Reverend Duncan McCann

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Investigator Name: Reverend Duncan McCann, BA, MTh
Occupation: Missionary
Colleges, Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Christ Church College, Oxford; Master of Theology from the University of Edinburgh
Birthplace: Dundee
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 26
Residence: Uttar Pradesh, India
Personal description: A freckled, bespectacled and tall young man with a sunburned skin
Family & friends:

STR: 10 DEX: 9 INT: 14 Idea: 60
CON: 11 APP: 11 POW: 11 Luck: 55
SIZ: 13 SAN: 55 EDU: 15 Know: 75
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none
HP: 12 MP: 11

Accounting 10% Anthropology 50% Archery 20%
Architecture 1% Archæology 1% Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5% Biology 1% Block 30%
Boating 10% Botany 1% Carpentry/Woodcraft 10%
Cartography 1% Chemistry 1% Climb 40%
Conceal 15% Credit Rating 35% Cryptography 1%
Cthulhu Mythos 0% Demolitions 1% Disguise 5%
Dodge 30% Dreaming 9% Drive Auto 20%
Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 40%
Forensics 1% Forgery 1% Geology 1%
Handgun 20% Hide 10% History 20%
Hypnosis 1% Jump 25% Law 5%
Library Use 60% Listen 15% Locksmith 1%
Own Language (English) 75% Latin 43% Greek 41%
Hebrew 41% Sanskrit 41%
Machine Gun 15% Martial Arts 1% Mathematics 10%
Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5% Natural History 10%
Navigation/Land 10% Navigation/Sea, Air 1% Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10% Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 30% Ride 5% Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 25%
Submachine Gun 15% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Theology 60% Track 10%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25%
Grapple 25% Club 25%

Income & Savings

Cash on hand:
Personal Property:

Real Estate:

Adventuring Gear & Possessions

Investigator History
Duncan is the son of a Presbyterian minister from Dundee. He excelled in his studies at school and earned a scholarship to Oxford, where he studied theology, hoping to be ordained. However, he disappointed his sternly conservative father as, influenced by theologians such as Albert Schweitzer, he began to adopt a more liberal approach to a number of questions regarding the historical Jesus and other faiths. The two fell out, and have not talked for years now (Duncan maintains a correspondence with his mother).

Duncan found a replacement father figure while studying for his ordainment at the University of Edinburgh. Professor Michael Ashbury, Duncan’s tutor, shared many of Duncan’s beliefs and interests, particularly his passion for comparative religion. The two became close and Duncan was introduced into Ashbury’s circle of friends, among them his god-daughter Victoria.

Duncan was conscripted in 1916 and claimed status as a conscientious objector on the basis of his Christian faith. A court allowed him to act as a stretcher-bearer instead. As it turned out, he saw little action in any case –just weeks after after reaching the front lines, he was caught in the blast from a shell and spent the rest of the war convalescing. Duncan still suffers from intermittent tinnitus as a result of the explosion (I’ve dropped his Listening skill 10% to reflect this), as well as frequent nightmares. Duncan is particularly haunted by a chance encounter with a British sniper, sitting silently in the corner of the mess, preparing to go out into the field again. His costume made him look somehow monstrous and unnatural to the sensitive Duncan; all he could think of was this creature lurking in the shadows, taking life after life with cold, alien indifference:

Since the war, Duncan has felt the call to mission and gone to Uttar Pradesh. He’s well-liked there, by both converts and Hindus, since he’s shown himself to be selflessly hard-working in the mission’s sanitarium, and highly respectful towards the Hindu religions; encouraging the locals to think of his preaching as an invitation to a debate.

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