Ashenport: The Order of the Lidded Eye

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The Order's primary goal is the acquisition and preservation of arcane and esoteric knowledge. Its origins are scholarly, but the modern Order is devoted primarily to the self-interest of its members. The Order maintains a number of closely guarded libraries (and a few secret vaults) that its members have access to, depending on their rank.

The Order keeps itself strictly neutral in most affairs (although its members are under no obligation to do so). It has a mixed reputation, particularly among those of a more dogmatic pursuasion who would rather see its libraries and their dangerous contents burnt to ashes. It's certainly true, however, that a number of times in recorded history the knowledge it holds has proved invaluable in preventing disaster.


It's something of a generalisation to refer to someone as one belonging to this or that faction; they're closer to philosophies or points of view than formal groupings. Individuals vary in the strength of their convictions, and there is much overlap between groups.

Magister. "Knowledge is there to be mastered" - Order members that favour this philosophy hold that knowledge (and by extension magic) is a tool to be used. The good-aligned hold that knowledge is morally neutral and depends on the use to which it is put. The more unscrupulous don't care either way. Both kinds of Magister believe that esoteric magics can be mastered with sufficient care, caution and knowledge of one's own limits.

Philologus. "Knowledge for its own sake" - The smallest faction, and the one most resembling the original purpose of the Order. They are often historians, seeking to unlock the secrets of lost ages. They're also the ones most likely to be interested in non-arcane knowledge.

Oculus. "Know your enemy" - What's truly dangerous is the unknown; to defeat something you need to know its strengths and weaknesses; the same ritual used to summon an ancient evil may be the key to banishing it. These members are amongst the most pro-active at going out and retrieving objects of interest and cataloguing them for future use.

Factor. This describes those members of the Order most concerned with its internal politics, as well as its day to day running. It's also used as an unofficial term for the most senior member of the Order resident at a particular institution.

Lictor. The unwritten rule of the Order is "don't rock the boat". While the Order doesn't care by and large what it's members get up to, there's a line: threaten the Order itself (or the world, or at least sufficiently large chunks of it) and the Lictors will come to put you out of the Order's misery - and they will have the tools to stop your shenanigans while they're at it. This group is a special case in that it's an official position, answering to the Order's ruling council. Membership is usually secret.