Norrathians: Halfbreeds

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Of the player races, only the three varieties of elves and the three varieties of humans are capable of interbreeding. Within the two metaracial groups of "human" and "elf", mixed races are also possible. However, in these cases, the offspring usually exhibits traits more closely mimicing one or the other parent, and few notice the difference. Elf-human halfbreeds, however, differ from their parent races enough they get singled out in most societies.

Below is the chart showing the types of pairings, and the common name of the offspring. These are by no means the only terms used to refer to halfbreeds, only the most commonly-used terms in the Common tongue. For some, the term "Worthless Trash" universally applies to all halfbreeds.

  Barbarian Human Erudite
High Elf Fenling Half High Koadarud
Wood Elf Wolfling Half Elf Fierud
Dark Elf Coon Half Dark Teirud