Scariks 40k Rules Pain

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The Thirst

You need 3^(Corruption Bonus) Pain Tokens per day to maintain your youth. You age rapidly without them, a day for every Token missed. This is why the Ancients spend all their time in the Theatres of Pain, they need tremendous amounts of pain to maintain even their advanced ages. You can reduce your need for pain by allowing yourself to age or take permanent losses to Characteristics as She Who Thirsts tears pieces of you away forever. The Dark Kin are a superficial bunch, only the Covens value hideousness, there are social penalties for letting yourself age, they are doubled when interacting with Wyches.

Excess Pain Tokens stay with you and grant you extraordinary prowess, though they fade quickly. The memory of the Dark Kin is accute, however, so even after the physical effects fade they can use the remembered sensations to stave off The Thirst. The physical effects fade at (1+CB) Tokens per hour but you can credit half of them toward days of denying The Thirst. Points under the lower of your (Toughness or Willpower) Bonus may be credited normally.

Power From Pain

You may hold no more excess than the lower of your Toughness or Willpower, all further points are lost.

Power From Pain (If you already have an Unnatural Characteristic granted by Power from Pain you instead increase your own Trait by +1 for each instance on the table where you get an additional increase.)

Excess Pain Tokens -- Effects

  • 0-5 -- Add the number of Pain tokens you have in excess to rolls to resist all psyker powers that affect you directly.
  • 6-10 -- Unnatural Toughness (+2), Nerves of Steel
  • 11-15 -- Unnatural Strength (+2), Unnatural Agility (+2), Resistance (Fear)
  • 16-20 -- Fearless
  • 21+ -- Increase Unnatural Toughness, Strength and Agility to (+4)

Gaining Pain Tokens

  • Killing: Victim's Toughness Bonus(you must be within Perception Bonus meters, every multiple beyond that lowers the Pain gained by 1)
  • Wounding: Every Critical Hit inflicted on a living target gives 1
  • Display Kill: Full round action to kill target, make a Charm (Agility) increase anyone who Bask's Per Bonus by your DoS and you gain 1 Pain per 2 DoS (this stacks with Pain gained from simply killing the target)
  • Basking: When someone dies nearby you may take a Half Action on your next turn to gain Pain adjusted normally for distance. No more than the Killer's Fel bonus people may Bask at once.
  • Theatre: Haemonculi can grant Pain through their performances, though you cannot gain more than half your Willpower Bonus this way each day, and it is not free. (Acquisition test required).
  • Imprisonment: May be harvested monthly (WP bonus times for TB Pain)
  • Enslavement: Harvested weekly (WP bonus times for TB Pain)
  • Torment: Harvested daily (WP bonus times for TB Pain), each harvest deals 1d10 damage -1 per DoS on a Medicae test by the torturer.

The agony of the Eldar is by far greater than that of the lesser races as is that of Psykers. Add the victim's Psy Rating (for Psykers) or their Willpower Bonus (for Eldar) to their Toughness Bonus when determining how many Pain Tokens are gained. Eldar Seers are especially delectable prizes, so they add both modifiers.