Session 226

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Chapter 32

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
«Angelo» Hi Verithe!
«Verithe» Hi!
«Angelo» Today, strangely, I Wake up _before_ the alarm's call
«Verithe» Wow!
«Verithe» Do you feel rested, at least?
«Angelo» uhm... not as a fullsleep will do
«Verithe» Understood.
--»| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
«Knockwood» Hiyo
«Angelo» Hi Knock!
«Verithe» Hi!
--»| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
«BethE» Hi guys! *HUGS*
«Angelo» Hi Beth! *Hug*
«Knockwood» Hiya Beth
«BethE» RN's logging on.
«Verithe» Hi!
--»| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
«Verithe» Ugh! I want a turkey sandwich right now.
«Verithe» I miss turkey...
«Angelo» Hi RN!
«Knockwood» they have none in Japan?
«BethE» We have cajun turkey in the fridge.
«Knockwood» Hiya RN
«Verithe» Only at import and specialty stores, it seems.
«Verithe» Also a few restaurants.
«Knockwood» fancy, more expensive restaurants?
«BethE» Awww.  :(
«Angelo» I second Beth
«Random_Nerd» Huh.
«Knockwood» Then again you have yummy sea urchin eggs and octopus,
«Verithe» Usually, though there is a restaurant at Narita airport that has a turkey dish for comparatively cheap.
«Verithe» Gosh, yes!
«Knockwood» along with the pet big-ass beetles.
«Verithe» And river eel! I love river eel!
«Verithe» Yes, the beetles!
«Knockwood» So it's not too bad... aw, yeah it is. :P
«Verithe» And giant spiders, giant hornets, giant centipedes...
«Knockwood» imports from Australia?
«Verithe» The one really venomous spider, yeah, but most of them are all native.
«Knockwood» (meanwhile I'm following the 4 active MLP threads on Other Media..)
«Knockwood» (Waiting for Dawgstar to watch Bridle Gossip so we can show him excessive Fluttercussing: )
«Angelo» MPL?
«Verithe» My Little Pony
«BethE» A reboot of a cartoon from the 80's.
«BethE» I have been told that I am very Fluttershy-ish.
«Angelo» ohhh! I watched them when a kiddo!
«Knockwood» the new one is better
«Angelo» well, once (if ever?) will be in Italian I'll watch it with my kids
«Knockwood» It may already be...
«Knockwood» Then again, it's all over YouTube in High-Def
«Angelo» wow! in Italian!
«Knockwood» which channel has the logo 1a?
«Angelo» but is a stand alone film or a series?
«Random_Nerd» Series.
«Random_Nerd» So, let's see.
«Random_Nerd» Laz isn't here, but he wouldn't be.
«BethE» That was the opening theme for the series.
«Angelo» :-)
«Random_Nerd» Etheric isn't, but I don't know if he's coming this week.
«Angelo» did you know Harrypotter and the methods of rationality fanfic?
«BethE» (Here you go, Angelo. I think this is multiple of the new epsiodes, dubbed into Italian. The first one on the playlist is the first episode of the first season.)
«Angelo» ( )
«Angelo» (Beth: you are more awesome that ever!)
«Random_Nerd» Let's wait for a bit to see if Etheric shows, and if not, start anyway.
«Verithe» Okay!
«Angelo» okiedokie boss erm RN!
«Knockwood» I think last time we played we witnessed the building of a Temple to Kite
«Verithe» For Kite's Stone, would "Sometimes...sometimes the cult finds it can perform Assembly on it's own." work?
«Angelo» yep
«Angelo» and planned to go to Caesar
«Verithe» Or is that too much?
«Angelo» and then to blueshock and C.tint
«Knockwood» possibly on our way to ask Caesar about Breach Day
«Angelo» and see if they can came on board with our Vassa’s meeting prj
«Knockwood» who's their Imperator?
«Random_Nerd» I don't believe he's been named yet...
«Random_Nerd» Let me check the first episode where they appeared.
«Verithe» I don't think he was named either.
«Random_Nerd» Because that's pre-notes-loss, when that hard drive died.
«Angelo» (at our right we can see RN entering the time machine, pay no mind to the chacha sound that it emit)
«BethE» (He's not the Doctor.)
«Angelo» (ArE yOu sUrE?)
«Angelo» (like for real? :-P )
«Knockwood» (OBTW, since it'll probably get out: yes, my bday is this weekend.)
«Random_Nerd» Heh, yeah, I /did/ have the whole city-state and splinter thing worked out back then, just not some of the terminology.
«Angelo» (then Happy Bday Knok!)
«BethE» (Happy almost b-day, Knock.  :) )
«Verithe» Happy birthday-to-be!
«BethE» (I'm sure that RN is not the Docotr because a) he only has one heart, b) he doesn't use British ideoms and c) he doesn't like fezes.)
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, I don't think their imperator was named in-character.
«Knockwood» I vote fro Bob
«Verithe» "Fro Bob"
«Knockwood» *for
«BethE» It would explain where Triad gets it from. Fro-s are powerful.
«Verithe» No...I want Fro Bob to be the name.
«Angelo» Frobob! I want Frobob!
«Knockwood» why not go all out with Frobozz?
«Verithe» Because a bob is a hairstyle too?
«Random_Nerd» The Wizard of Frobozz?
«BethE» Maybe the Imperator is just a giant hair-style.
«Knockwood» yeah, but it's kinda the opposite of a fro
«Random_Nerd» This Imperator Manufactured By Frobozz Magic Imperator Co.?
«Verithe» Well, it's Dionyl. They don't have to understand hairstyles properly.
«Knockwood» BTW, I think we had a chapter transition recently, but damn if I know where...
«Angelo» well I'm putting everything in chap 31 but anyone can feel free to right that
«Random_Nerd» So, still no Etheric.
«Random_Nerd» Shall we go?
«Angelo» yep
«Knockwood» OK
«Verithe» Yus
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
«Random_Nerd» _____START__________
«DanteE» (Actually... everybody got their Destiny maps handy?)
«Random_Nerd» (So, Kite's temple having been completed...)
«Ftisk» (nope)
«Theresa» (Cute little Puzzle.)
«DanteE» (So, Blue Shock, Triad, or Caesar?)
«Ftisk» BS + triad! Are more funny
«DanteE» (... anybody else want a salad all of a sudden?)
«Theresa» (Pass the feta.)
«Ftisk» (me with tomatoes dried and onion, and greek cheese and olive and anchovies and radicchio)
«Kite» (That's a proper salad!)
«Ftisk» (burp! I mean yes!)
«Random_Nerd» (Okay. So, which Imperator are you guys going to see?)
«Theresa» (Let's go hit the trio's Imperator and then Caesar.)
«DanteE» (OK.)
«Random_Nerd» The chancel of the Dionyl Nobles you invited to your party is a bit short of an hour's zeppelin-flight from Kite's temple.
«Ftisk» then to the batZeppeling!
«Random_Nerd» It's not as divided from the world as most Earth-chancels tend to be, and the boundary is one that anyone can walk across on foot.
«Random_Nerd» Still, Sam seemed to think it best to land the blimp and cross on land, rather than just fly it straight in.
«Theresa» (It would be more polite.)
«DanteE» also, don't forget this thing probably uses either propellers or jets
«Random_Nerd» The overall theme seems to be organic.
«Theresa» Oooo.
«Random_Nerd» The buildings tend to be fused into each other, and look like some kind of seashells or snail shells.
«Ftisk» cool!
«Random_Nerd» They're made of a mixture of shell and of something that looks like a darker form of mother-of-pearl, and look to have been grown in place.
=-= YOU are now known as organicTisk

  • organicTisk adapt to the environment

«Random_Nerd» In some spots, you can see herds of hand-sized slimy creatures, rather like immense coral polyps, being directed by dionyl.
«Theresa» (Polyp stampedes must be slow.)

  • organicTisk shout "can I take one???"

«Random_Nerd» The population density seems to be less than most dionyl cities you've seen so far.
«organicTisk» (shout to the herder)
«Random_Nerd» The streets aren't nearly as packed.
«Random_Nerd» (Oh, and this city has streets, rather than canals.)
«Random_Nerd» (The roads are made of the same nacreous material as some of the buildings.)
«Random_Nerd» At the center, and your destination, is an immense tower.
«organicTisk» (can I have, take a polyp?)
«Random_Nerd» It has a spiral shape to it, slowly narrowing upward, like if you took a nautilus shell and stretched it.
«Kite» ("If you're good, dear.")
«Random_Nerd» (You'd have to ask one of the Dionyl herding them.)
«organicTisk» ( :-P Kite)
«Random_Nerd» (One moment.)
«Kite» (:P)
«organicTisk» (I shouted to one of them)
«Random_Nerd» But there's something odd about it. Even when you walk closer, it doesn't seem to grow larger. It's as if it doesn't follow the same vanishing point lines as the rest of the objects nearby.
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl Workman: "Not one of these ones! I'm using them!"
«Random_Nerd» DW: "You'd have to check with the quartermaster's office, see if they have excess."
«organicTisk» toDW: "And where I can find one that I can take?"
«Theresa» "Do you know where we can find Blue Shock or the Triad? We are here to visit."
«Random_Nerd» He points at a grey-blue building like a huge and bulging clam shell.
«Random_Nerd» (That, before Theresa asked.)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "They're in the big... the big..."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Give me a moment. I have to adjust."
«organicTisk» toDW: "Cool, thank you!!!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Spent too much time on Earth lately."
«Random_Nerd» Sam lowers his head, and his shoulders slump forward.
«Kite» "Take your time, Sam."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "It's... it's not a skyscraper. It's something... rounder..."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Is it made of metal?"
«Random_Nerd» (It totally isn't.)\
«organicTisk» "A Roundscrapper?? came on, my polipy await!"
«Theresa» "No, it is made of"
«organicTisk» "like mine now?"

  • organicTisk toc toc on the shell

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "A shell like a shotgun shell, or like a clam?"
«organicTisk» "like sea animal shell"
«DanteE» "Is it that being with us is messing with your ability to go along with the local color?
«Theresa» "Clam. Nautilis. Sea creature."
«DanteE» "And I'd call it a stretched nautilus shell."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Okay, let me see..."
«Random_Nerd» He looks at the tower, and sways slightly.
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I think I have it. Okay. Let's go."
«Theresa» "Okay, Sam."
«Random_Nerd» Ftisk, a part of the shell hinges out, clam-like.

  • organicTisk knock on that piece

«Random_Nerd» A Dionyl in a grey jumpsuit and hat sticks his head out
«organicTisk» (is a door I hope)
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "You got something to requisition?"
«organicTisk» "Hi! I like your polipus... can I have a cute one?"
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "What grade, color, and how many?"
«Kite» (Grade Kitty!)
«Theresa» (No way, no where, no how!  :) )
«organicTisk» "One, pink with orange dots, grade? nevermind grade"
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "You want pink with dots, you're gonna have to paint it yourself. I got various shades of pink and orange, though...
«DanteE» "Also, we'd like to see Blue Shock and Triad."
«Random_Nerd» He pulls back in for a moment, and then hands out some color charts
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "Point at the closest shade on here, and I'll see what we have."
«organicTisk» "lets seee... uhm .... that one!"
«organicTisk» (is a electric pink)
«organicTisk» "can I have a young one like a kitten one?"
«Random_Nerd» He pulls back in.

  • organicTisk jump up and down in anticipation!

«Random_Nerd» "And they don't need to be load-bearing grade, just surface-shell?"
«organicTisk» "All I want is that is cuuuuuuuuuuute!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam points at the tower: "We show up there, tell them we're visitors who would appreciate admission. They'll recognize you and let you in."

  • organicTisk smile

«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "This isn't a pet shop! These are working animals, and if you pamper them, they'll lose all their discipline."
«Theresa» *softly* "I think discipline is the wrong trait to expect out of Ftisk..."
«Random_Nerd» He brings over something like a eight little cat-carriers, stuck together at the backs, with a handle at the top.
«organicTisk» "But! I want to cuddle and tickle and hug and ... and whatever it!"
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl"
--»| Etheric ( has joined #Nobilis
«organicTisk» (Hola ETH!)
«Kite» (Hi!)
«Theresa» (Hi Eth!)

  • organicTisk peek in the container

«Random_Nerd» "Bring them back when you're done, and make sure to feed them properly. Plenty of bone meal."
«organicTisk» "they eat bone? Ok!"
«Theresa» (See, you have to give him back!)
«Etheric» (Hi everyone! Sorry for being late... It slipped my mind that it'hursday.)
«DanteE» *Hi Eth!)
«Random_Nerd» "And don't just feed them chips of old walls unless you want the color to get all inconsistent."
«organicTisk» "OOOOK! .. .But aren't they purchasable?"
«Kite» "What should we feed it?"
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "Pardon?"
«Kite» "Do they need to eat anything?"
«organicTisk» "Can I give you something to take this as mine mine mine mine mi..."
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "You can use them as long as you need them. Just bring them back when you're done."
«organicTisk» "uh, ok :-) "
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Let me handle this."
«Theresa» (We may not cause DA on Dionyl but we can cause lots of confusion.)
«organicTisk» (He will NEVER see the polyp again! bwaaaa!)
«DanteE» (So, Ftisk being Ftisk? :) )
«organicTisk» (yep!)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Those with me are visiting Nobles, who have social connections to the resident city-fathers. This one wishes to bring these creatures out-of-chancel with him to remind him of this chancel."

  • organicTisk nod nod like he is listening to Sam

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "He recognizes that to do so would deprive your chancel of resources. To recompense you for this, he offers to make an exchange for something from his chancel that you would find of worth."

  • organicTisk nod nod "as Sam say!"

«Random_Nerd» Sam, to Ftisk: "Make something distinctively from your chancel, and at least somewhat useful."

  • organicTisk cuddle the polyp -thinking-

«organicTisk» "A vacuumed? A gun? a washing machine!!!"
«organicTisk» "A washing machine will be ok?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Hmm. Something mechanical... a surveying tool?"
«organicTisk» "Cool! Sure!"

  • organicTisk lesser create a surveying tool

«Random_Nerd» Sam hands it to the Dionyl at the window.
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "This is a device that allows the measuring of angles and distances with great precision. It was made with an estate that does not exist on this world, but should function now that it has been created."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Please take it, with the compliments of Ftisk of Locus Vulcan, as repayment for the loss your people suffer in giving him these fine... polyp... thingies."
«Random_Nerd» The dionyl at the window nods, and takes it from him.

  • organicTisk nod solemnly

«Kite» (Our gifts are fairy gold!)
«organicTisk» "cuute lil ... ok name contest! How we call it ???"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "We will go, now, to meet with your City-God. Do you wish to have your name repeated favorably to him?"
«DanteE» (Describe them?)
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: " need. Just doing my job."
«Theresa» "This is probably a problem that doesn't happen much on Dionyl."
«Kite» "Pink"
«Theresa» (Never come to the attention of God. It just gives you more work. As Nobles know.)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Even so, we wish to know it."
«Theresa» "Silkie."
«organicTisk» "pink.. uhm Pinkie"!
«DanteE» (... how many are there?)
«Random_Nerd» (Eight.)
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "Bringer of [dionyl word referring to a particular color that does not exist outside of the chancel]."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I thank you for it. I am [a type of animal that looks like a large snake with six pairs of dove wings]."
«Random_Nerd» They nod to each other, and the dionyl goes back into his building.
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "On the way out, I'll see about finding if they have any special dietary needs."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Shall we go on?"
«organicTisk» "Cool Silkye, Pink, Pinkie, lil one, Grumpy, ... wow are a lot!"
«organicTisk» "yep Sam"
«DanteE» "Let's go."
«Random_Nerd» (Oh, and it would take Aspect 3 or better to pronounce the Dionyl name that Sam gave.)
«Random_Nerd» (It sounds a /little/ like "Samuel.")
«Kite» (Was Sam named after an Angel?)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I think I'm getting a feel for the local culture."
«Theresa» (Cool. Theresa will try to remember how to say it to say it correctly some time for Sam.)
«Random_Nerd» (No. It's a mundane creature that lives around where Sam comes from.)
«Random_Nerd» (And the only resemblance to his name is a vague similarity of sound.)

  • organicTisk play with the polyps

=-= YOU are now known as bigPolypTisk
«Random_Nerd» (Dionyl languages tend to be hard for humans to pronounce, since Dionyl sound-producing "organs" can produce much more varied sounds.)
«Random_Nerd» Sam starts walking toward the tower.
«DanteE» "Now, who's in their familia again?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "That thing still hurts my sight. Is it actually doing that, or am I not properly synched up?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Blue Shock. The Triad. Conceptual Tint."
«Theresa» "Would it still be doing it to us as Nobles?"
«Kite» "Doing what?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "They've been invited to your chancel, and accepted, so it is reasonable for us to visit them at theirs."
«Kite» "Not looking like it's getting closer?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Yes. That."
«Kite» "It's actually doing that for me."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Or growing smaller, or... something."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Okay, so it's not just me."

  • bigPolypTisk try to project Ftiskness on my polyps so to control them (as the gift prj I want to acquire)

«Kite» "Maybe that's a thing. Maybe it's always going to be the same distance away."
«Theresa» "Make it a bit hard to get to. Maybe we'll just have to be very short to get in."
«Random_Nerd» The polyps start to wiggle in their carriers a bit more.
«Kite» "Hmmm..."

  • DanteE lifts off and tries flying to the tower
  • bigPolypTisk keep trying while we go to the tower

«Random_Nerd» When flying towards it, you get the feeling that either the tower is growing larger or you're growing smaller.
«Theresa» "It is a very interesting Chancel. I didn't know you could use a polyp for so many things."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, you guys have no idea how easy you have it with your building."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "You can just take a bunch of existing materials and put them together into a building."
«Random_Nerd» Sam looks at Kite.
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Uh, no offense."
«Kite» "I took it as a compliment."
«Random_Nerd» Dante, you get to a window of the building.
«Random_Nerd» But the window is several times larger than you, despite that it looked like an ordinary-sized one from the ground.
«Theresa» "We pondered growing our own. But James and I couldn't come to an agreement."
«Kite» "One day, Assembly will be permanent on Dionyl. One day..."
«DanteE» "Damn, I might need a pet door to get in..."
«DanteE» Door?
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "If you can pull it off, the builders of Dionyl will either revere you, or denounce you as a heretic destroying the ancient and traditional methods."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Probably a bit from column A, bit from column B."
«bigPolypTisk» "... both?"
«Kite» "I don't wish to destroy, simply add to."
«Random_Nerd» (Well, you could still open it. It's bigger than you, but you've got Aspect.)
«Kite» "It's my thing."

  • DanteE opens the door.

«Random_Nerd» (For the record, the "window", seen up close, is a clamshell-like bulge made of something nearly transparent, hinged at the top.)

  • bigPolypTisk alternate petting the polyps to trying to possess them

«DanteE» (How'd they make it without Assembly?)
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl in jeans and a tea-shirt: *turns to Dante and screams as if they just saw a murderer with a bloody knife crawl out of the closet*
«Theresa» "Such is progress. And there will be people who prefer the old ways and people who will prefer the new and people who accuse you of pandering to the old ways on."
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl in jeans, in a conversational tone: "Heh. Just screwin' with you. Hello, Courage."
«DanteE» "You've heard of me."
«Theresa» (tea-shirt ot t-shirt? )
«Kite» (Shirt made of tea!)
«DanteE» "We wanted to talk to the Nobles.
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "It's me! The Triad! Don't you recognize... oh, yeah. I was wearing the meat body last time."
«DanteE» "About Creation ending, rampaging Excrucians, betrayal, triumph.. you know, the usual.

  • bigPolypTisk wave "Hi triad! "

«DanteE» "Oh yeah, silly of me not to check."
«Kite» ("All Dionyl look the same.")
«DanteE» "Don't think you met our friends from Chancel Vulcan, Assembly and Machinery/Data."
«Random_Nerd» Dionyl: "So, is the thing about you and Entropy true?"
«DanteE» "Which thing? There are a few rumors flying around..."

  • bigPolypTisk bow "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Ftisk and you have cuuute polyps here!"

«Random_Nerd» Triad: "You know... with the..."
«Random_Nerd» He gestures vaguely in the air, apparently sketching out the shape of a squid playing a saxophone.
«Kite» "Yes, totally."
«DanteE» Aspect 3 figure out what the hell he's talking about....
«Random_Nerd» (Aspect doesn't work that way.)
«DanteE» "What are you talking about?"
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Well, I mean, that Entropy, ah... sexually harassed you. Shapeshifting was involved. The locusts /watched/."
«Theresa» "No, Triad, it's not true. Entropy just...felt Dante up a bit."
«DanteE» "He did that once. As a harpy. Not recently, though."
«Theresa» "The last time we saw Entropy, he was palling around with a King Excrucian."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Man, you guys on Earth get all the crazy shit going on."
«DanteE» "That's what happens when Scorn, Desecration and Decay is In Charge."
«DanteE» (Who wants to lead in asking for their Imperator's help?)
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "I guess. But I'd rather him than... like, any of the other three."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "You know where you /stand/ with a despotic bastard, you know?"
«DanteE» "Good point."
«bigPolypTisk» (not me I'm busy with 8 polyps)
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "So, should I get the other guys?"
«DanteE» "Why not."
«Theresa» "Oh and we got to meet a newborn Serpent Imperator. Was rather neat."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "We don't have any big plans for tonight, but I can get the local actors to put on a play or something if you want."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Oh? A new one?"
«DanteE» (And we pissed him off!)
«Random_Nerd» T: "What's he represent? Something interesting?"
«Theresa» "Imperator of Impending Doom."
«Random_Nerd» T: "The Apocalypse Snake is real? I was /sure/ that one was an urban legend."
«DanteE» "Not anymore."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Does it really have three heads and twelve eyes?"
«Theresa» "You know Entropy's Noble of Destruction? Entropy's lent him out to said Imperator."
«Random_Nerd» T: "You're shitting me."
«Theresa» "Not yet. But we haven't seen him in person since Imperator Jerren went to Hell."
«DanteE» "It only has the standard complement of eyes and heads, though."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Standard for what?"
«Theresa» "I would give a pithy retort to the shitting you but I am not. Sorry, I'm not at my best at the moment."
«DanteE» "one head, two eyes."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Lame. Tell him that if he wants more, I'll totally design some custom ones for him, no charge."
«DanteE» "Anyway, we're just passing through, so no need to put on a show.
«Random_Nerd» T: "Fair enough. I think we still have some human beer in the fridge if you're hungry... no, the other one. Thirsty."
«DanteE» "... those spoil after a while, you know..."

  • Theresa nudges Dante in a don't be rude, sort of way.

«Random_Nerd» T: "But... it's keeping them cold!"
«Random_Nerd» T: "Do you have any idea how hard it was to rig a source of electricity?"
«Theresa» "So, how have you been? I hope that everything has been peaceful?"
«bigPolypTisk» "I can make one for you"
«Random_Nerd» T: "Pretty uneventful."
«Random_Nerd» T: "No Excrucian attacks or anything."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Uh... we got a cat. From Earth, I mean. Picked it up on the way home from your place. Is there a way to get them to stop growing new hairs and dropping the old ones?"
«Theresa» "Not especially, although there are cats that do not have hair."
«Kite» "It's sort of a hair thing."
«DanteE» "Happens with the change of the seasons"
«Random_Nerd» T: "But we've tried explaining to it that if it just keeps the /same/ hair, we can make it so it doesn't get all tattered and worn out..."
«DanteE» (then again, we're equatorial, what seasons?)
«Random_Nerd» T: "Yeah, but there /aren't/ seasons here."
«Kite» "Cats don't listen."
«Random_Nerd» T: "We don't orbit a sun!"
«Kite» "That's a cat thing."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Oh well."
«DanteE» "Actually, it might just be because it's in a whole new climate...
«Random_Nerd» T: "At least the Official Sacred Steward of the Excess Hair of the Cat has job security, I guess."
«DanteE» "If the climate stays put it won't happen again after the new coat comes in.
«DanteE» (I think)
«Theresa» "How is the rest of the progress with your new try at cat owners?"
«Theresa» (Maaan, imagine how cat hairs on dark fabrics would be taken on Dionyl...)
«Random_Nerd» T: "It appears to be trying to make animal sacrifices to us."
«Random_Nerd» T: "We accept them as gracefully as possible."
«Kite» "Any fish?"
«DanteE» "It thinks you suck at hunting and wants you to learn."
«Random_Nerd» T: "But... I killed a dragon once. Not a serpent, a dragon. I don't even know why there /was/ a dragon attacking the chancel. And yet."
«Theresa» "Wow. Congratulations!"
«Random_Nerd» T: "The cat can kill, what, mice? Big spiders?"
«Theresa» "It may also be trying to give its efforts to the upkeep of its home."
«DanteE» ( ... #1 )
«DanteE» "When was that?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "The dragon thing? Like, five, six years ago."
«DanteE» "Just checking. While we're at it, anything weird happen lately?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "Nah. Sorry. Here on Dionyl we're too busy living lives of unimaginable luxury and not being attacked by Excrucians."
«DanteE» "Sounds boring."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Weird things are handled by the Majordomo Of Unexpected Strangeness."
«bigPolypTisk» "Yep boooring!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Let me guess, Society of Aides?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "Yep!"
«Theresa» "Oh, do you also have a Minister of Shouty Heros?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "We haven't had a hero trying to declare war against us and liberate the people ever since we placed the tower out of linear space."
«Random_Nerd» T: "I mean, liberate then from what?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "They have free food and housing and... never mind. We used to have a hero problem."
«DanteE» (Which reminds me, we should be using our Aides connections to get the allies we need, I've got a stone for that)
«Kite» "We were wondering about the tower..."
«Theresa» "Is it more of a Splinter thing to go around freeing the masses?"
«Random_Nerd» T: "Yeah, pretty much. The whole me-against-the-world shaking-the-pillars-of-heaven thing."
«DanteE» "Anyway... we've got a proposition for your Ymera.
«DanteE» "We're trying to drum up support for a meeting with an Excrucian."
«Random_Nerd» T: "...I really need to move to Earth."

  • bigPolypTisk nod nod

«Random_Nerd» T: "Seriously. You know how I spent most of last week? I had a DVD player shipped over here and I watched a bunch of old human horror movies."
«Random_Nerd» T: "And I tried to reason with the cat."
«Random_Nerd» T: "Seriously. That was pretty much my week."

  • bigPolypTisk feel pity for him

«Random_Nerd» T: "So... why are you meeting with the Enemy?"
«bigPolypTisk» "What a waste!"
«DanteE» "We'll have to show you the wonder of Blu-Ray."
«Kite» "You are invited to stop by Locus Vulcan any time."
«bigPolypTisk» "Yep!"
«DanteE» "He wants to know what the hell's going on with Entropy and Shirk as much as we do."
«Random_Nerd» T: "It's the problem you get when you have your chancel really working right. There aren't any problems showing up, so there's nothing to fix."
«DanteE» "And possibly talk about the war as well"
«Random_Nerd» T: "So, you want to meet with the other nobles and the Boss?"
«Theresa» "I'm afraid to ask which horror movies. Although...Sam, could you please make sure that we ship a set of the Mystery Science Theater to here when we get home?"
«DanteE» "Mainly the Boss... no offense."
«Random_Nerd» T: "The ones with that guy with the moustage. Vincent something."
«DanteE» (Then again, in-game it's still 2005, I think, so there may not be Blu-Ray...)
«Kite» "I would like to meet the others, if they're willing."
«Theresa» "Vincent Price. Nice choice. He's good at the creepy, chill down the spine..when you have one...feeling."
«Random_Nerd» (Cut to a scene with the others?)
«Kite» (Okay!)
«DanteE» (sure)
«DanteE» (And Theresa, you're more diplomatic than Dante, you lead. :P )
«bigPolypTisk» (yay!)
«Random_Nerd» It's a big chamber near the top of the tower.
«Random_Nerd» The floor is done in concentric circles of various shades of yellow and blue.
«Theresa» (Uhh...would we have been told the Imperator's name before we came in?)

  • Kite hovers over one of the blue rings

«Random_Nerd» Near you, a couple Dionyl nobles loiter. Triad, in t-shirt and jeans. Blue Shock, in a vaguely chinese-looking robe. Conceptual Tint, in a rather tacky leisure suit.
«Random_Nerd» (Their Imperator's name is "Drift." As in the verb, not the noun.)

  • bigPolypTisk land on Theresa’s shoulder

«Random_Nerd» Through the air in the large chamber, a creature flies or swims.
«Random_Nerd» It's invisible, it isn't wearing any clothing, and it's /big/. It's also their imperator.
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "So, what is this that I've heard about a meeting with the Enemy?"

  • bigPolypTisk look at it with the sight and mythically
  • Theresa bows. "Greetings, Imperator Drift. We have been informed that an Excrucian would like to talk at a neutral place about the recent coming of Excrucian King Shirk to Creation."

«Random_Nerd» To the Sight, it's a vague glimmer in the air.
«Theresa» "He wishes to talk about what this means for both Outside and Inside Creation."

  • bigPolypTisk wave "HI! Nice to meet you!"

«Random_Nerd» Somewhat draconic in outline, although in a very different way from the insectoid dragon shape of Conrad.
«Random_Nerd» There is no mythic world to look at.
«bigPolypTisk» (oh, ops!)
«Theresa» "So, we have been trying to talk with multiple Imperators who may wish to be in on this talk. We have met your Nobles and wished to inform you of this opportunity."
«Random_Nerd» Blue Shock: "We're not interested in buying a share of a time-share condo in Florida..."
«Kite» "A what?"

  • Theresa gives a faint snort. "Don’t worry, Kite. I'm not trying to sell a bridge either."

«Kite» "I don't see why we'd have to."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "And if you're going to tell us that you're the lost Anchor of the Power of Wealth, trying to reclaim the heart of your slain patron, but need funding to raise an army..."
«Theresa» (Did Sam come from this city?  :) )
«Random_Nerd» (No, but he did some of his training here.)
«Kite» "..."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Sorry. 'We wished to inform you of this opportunity' sets off warning bells."
«Theresa» "We have *list of Imperators who are in*, as well as *list of Imperators who are maybes*."
«bigPolypTisk» "oh, come on! When you'll have an opportunity like this again? *Talk* to a full excrucian, one that is fifty percent my dad!"
«Random_Nerd» (That's how these guys got introduced, actually. Because Sam knew Triad, so he was the Noble he thought of when you guys wanted to invite a Dionyl family.)
=-= YOU are now known as Conrad
«Theresa» "It does seem like a scam. But unfortunately, we can't just blame the Noble of Nigeria for this one."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "And what would my role in this be?"
«DanteE» "Oh, did we mention Ftisk actually Tempered one of his Shards, which is why he sought us out?"
«Conrad» "look at my eye, not the piece of sky one, the other with falling stars"
«Theresa» "Every Imperator that joins the talk gives it more legitimacy as well as the possibility to be the tipping point for the Imperators who are waiting. This talk is going to happen and we want as many Imperators there to give the whole of Creation a consideration in this."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Oh, right. Eyes."
«Theresa» "While Entropy is the Lord of Earth at the moment, if Creation is lost, it's not just about Earth."

  • Conrad nod

«Random_Nerd» Drift: "So, the plan is to do an end-run around your theoretical ruler, Entropy, in a way that implicitly snubs him and questions his authority?"
«DanteE» "Have you _met_ Entropy?"
«Kite» "There are rumors that Lord Entropy would doom the rest of Creation to save Earth alone."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "I didn't say /no/."
«Theresa» "pretty much. As we have doubts of his loyalty and ways given that he is palling around with Shirk."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "I just wanted to ask if that was what you were doing."
«Theresa» "We are also trying to track any other possible entries of the other Excrucian Kings."
«Conrad» "And seek if a treatise is possible"
«DanteE» (and that exchange between Drift and me should go on the quote page. :) )
«DanteE» "Do you know who 'Shirk' is?"
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "There are a lot of stories."
«Random_Nerd» He swoops overhead.
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "They don't all fit together."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Whatever he's doing on Earth, it doesn't seem to reach here."
«DanteE» "He's an Excrucian King, of sort of Anti-Duty.
«DanteE» "So powerful that saying his actual name causes the most loyal of retainers to bolt."
«DanteE» "We've experienced this."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "And why does Ananda want him on Earth?"
«Theresa» "That may be because saying his real name gives him a foothold inside your head."
«DanteE» "Ananda?
«Theresa» "We don't know. He voted with Entropy."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "From what I've heard, Ananda supported Entropy actively."
«Theresa» "It could be that he sees this as the sign that his time has Come."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Was that not what happened?"
«Kite» "He voted with Lord Entropy to ensure the birth of Lord Jerren, Serpent of Impending Doom."
«Theresa» "We had been given word that the Changing of the Ages is approaching and the presence of such a being in Creation would be a large sign."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "And why did he wish to create Jerren now?"
«DanteE» "The Age is ending."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Hmm."
«Theresa» "Entropy has also ... lent ... Destruction to Imperator Jerren."
|«-- Etheric has left (Ping timeout)
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Are you opposed to Ananda in this?"
«Conrad» "No we want the safest possible transition"
«DanteE» "We're meeting with Jerren later.
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "But if this is part of Ananda's plan, and you're not against him... how does it work, then?"
«DanteE» "I hope to convince him to point his Estate at the other guys."
«Theresa» (him as in Jerren or Ananda?)
«Theresa» "We don't know. We're hoping that the transition of Ages can be done with a minimum of doom."
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Because, I'll oppose Entropy. He has neither my fealty nor my trust. But Ananda, him I respect."
«Theresa» (Did we invite Ananda to the talk?)
«Conrad» (nope, no Ananada)
«DanteE» (We haven't done squat with Ananda since Germany)
«Random_Nerd» (You guys and Ananda are on... tense but not hostile terms.)
«Kite» "I have similar sympathies, Lord Drift."
«Theresa» "If he supports the talks, would you be interested in joining as well?"
«DanteE» (So, RN is setting things up so that we'll wind up fighting alongside Entropy against mimic-Ananda to save the nascent Fourth Age, possibly by one of us becoming its Power.
«DanteE» (Honestly, why didn't you just say so? :P )
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Or if he's neutral, even. But I don't wish to oppose him if he has a plan."
«DanteE» "We've been assuming Jerren is there so that the Doom is under some control."
«Theresa» "Very well. What other information would you like?"
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Hmm. Would it interfere with your plans if I were to ask Ananda if my participation in your plan would interfere with his plans?"
«DanteE» (inasmuch as we have plans...)
«Theresa» (Were you planning on planning to plan with Ananda?)
«Conrad» (gah! Too much indirection! ... hurt!)
«Theresa» "I do not think so. We are trying to keep a variety of different things up in the air at the moment. Oh, and had you heard about Barakiel?"
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "...there's something new?"
«Kite» "If you do ask Ananda, would you mind letting us know what his answer is?"
«Random_Nerd» Drift: "Acceptable."
«Theresa» "We recently witnesses Lord Barakiel...joining with a Lawbreaker."
«Conrad» "like he now is outside of laws"
«Theresa» "It appears to have an out-of-time-effect, which may explain his behavior over the Ages."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "When you say 'joining with...""
«Kite» "They are now the same entity."
«Conrad» "become one thing, not making offsprings"

  • Theresa makes the "fingers weaved into each other* gesture.

«Theresa» (Made the Beast with One Back.)
«Kite» "Which, apparently, they have always been."
«DanteE» "And, for extra fun, since it apparently happened outside of time they were always fused."
«DanteE» (oops, stepped on Kite's line)
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Friggin' Angels."
«Random_Nerd» Triad: "Always gotta play More Numinous Than Thou."
«Random_Nerd» (Mind if I call it a night here?)
«Random_Nerd» (It is late and I need to get up early tomorrow morning.)
«Theresa» (I'm good with a stop.)
«Kite» (That's fine)
«DanteE» (Reminds me, we should talk to Night's family.)
«DanteE» (and OK.)
«Conrad» (ok I was about to ask a stop myself))
«Random_Nerd» ____________STOP______________
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
«Random_Nerd» Braaaaiiiiins.
«Verithe» I think Night's family is already on the list.
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
«Angelo» I don't think night family is on
«Knockwood» so, did I figure out the game's plot? :D
«Random_Nerd» The game has a plot?
«Random_Nerd» Shit!
«Verithe» Night and Martyrs are in the same family, right?
«Angelo» Ftisk have 8 polipi!
«Verithe» Yay, polyps!
«Knockwood» What do they look like?
«Random_Nerd» Yes, they are.
«Random_Nerd» The polyps?
«Random_Nerd» Hmm...
«Angelo» btw that count as a victory my possession gift project?
«Angelo» small round, cute, 8 tentacled?
«Random_Nerd» Kinda like little pink squid/jellyfish things.
«Random_Nerd» And yes, a trivial one.
«Random_Nerd» They're about the size of a hamster, each.
«Angelo» yay!
«Knockwood» For a while there I though he had 6, one of which was named "Pinkie"
«Knockwood» Which suggests other names. :P
«Angelo» 4 have names Selkie, pinkie, pinky grumpy
«Theresa» And Twilight Sparkle!  :)
«Angelo» cool! added!
«Knockwood» got one showing off by changing to every color?
«Angelo» seem like color are diet induced
«Angelo» or like
«Random_Nerd» At least in part.
«Knockwood» anyhoo... do any of us get Destiny?
«Verithe» Tin Foil!
«Random_Nerd» Not yet, I don't think.
«Random_Nerd» Let's see how this negotiation turns out.
«Angelo» I for the polyps possession get some
«Random_Nerd» Yes, there is that.
«Knockwood» OK.
«Random_Nerd» But other than that, what project do you see your characters as having worked on?
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
«BethE» Well, guys, I'm going to get to bed. Good night! *HUGS*
«Angelo» night Beth!
«Knockwood» g'night Beth
«Random_Nerd» Okay.
«Random_Nerd» G'night, all.
«Angelo» night RN!
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«Verithe» good night!
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«Knockwood» well, good night guys
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
|«-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
«Verithe» Take care, Angelo!
|«-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 32