Talk:HorizonVirtual:The Waker Dictionary

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Revision as of 07:09, 13 October 2006 by (talk) (Other Ideas for Slang)
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Project Wish List

  • General terms used by Wakers.
  • Waker Slang.


trey_palmer of the horizonvirtual Yahoo! Group provides the following resources for computer terms:

--IMAGinES 17:16, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Specific Ideas


I also like the idea of using the term kernel to refer to a waker's soul.

--IMAGinES 16:25, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Igtenio, however, has used the term as a direct replacement for "hit points", which does seem like a better idea.

--IMAGinES 19:08, 12 Jun 2005 (PDT)

I actually used it in a Vitality and Wound System, where Vitality points repersent non-consequential wounds or near misses, and Wound Points repersent more dire injuries. Thus I thought calling Vitality points "Shell" Points(To refer to it being an outer layer, and nowhere near as important as the inner functions), and Wound points "Kernel" Points(Repersenting Core Functions being messed with) was more appropriate, if used.

I think using Kernel for the Soul is a sound idea.



Here's a possible slang term: Phishing. As defined, it would seem an ideal match for a waker con game; so maybe a phisher is a Program Space con-artist. --IMAGinES 16:04, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Undead = Corrupt Files?

Terminal and Restored have been added to the dictionary as replacements for zombie and undead respectively, but they're both a little generic and misleading; "terminal" is more commonly used in computing terms to refer to "dumb terminals" or emulator sessions, which to my mind are closer to communication spells/rewrites.

Igtenio and I both came up with "corrupted" independently as a replacement for "undead". Again, it still sounds a little more generic, but it's a more close match for the actual use of the term.

Also, Restored sounds more like the result of a "Resurrection"-style rewrite. Maybe a Corrupted Restore would be better for undead, with Restore just being used for any waker brought back to life?

--IMAGinES 19:30, 18 Jun 2005 (PDT)

I'm of the mind that "Corrupted" alone would be a better term, just because not all types of Undead(To use the original term) have to die first.

Vampires are the first one which spring to mind, which while Undead, don't have to die to become one. Thus to say that a Vampire-inspired Undead Program in Virtual was an attempt at Restoration and was simply corrupted in the process would be mischaracturizing it.

Or, Corrupted could be a term used for more then just Undead. It could refer to any Waker or Dreamer whose coding is degraded or changed somehow for the worse, be it from a Codeeater or another Corrupted Program.


Actually, as the waker word for "death" is "discorporation", maybe something along the lines of "recorporated" might work better - I know the correct word would be "reincorporated", but I want something that sounds slightly wrong, unnatural. Also, I think "re-corp" works well as a shortened / slang form used to refer directly to a Program Space undead.

--IMAGinES 12:58, 23 February 2006 (PST)

Other Ideas for Slang

  • Applet - teasing/derogatory term for a Bantam or maybe a dreamer?
  • Form Factor?
  • Nybble: See Applet.
  • Pinging also just has to be in there somewhere.
  • Raw and Cooked Data?
  • Readme, as in "Oh, come on, waker! Do you need a readme for this? It's easy!" (Probably doesn't work, as only wakers with the programmer class can read anyway.)
  • Safe Mode?

--IMAGinES 16:19, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Safe Mode = MARTIAL LAW Pinging sounds like a sport.

-frank blankenship

  • Aliased – jagged or serrated
  • Anti-aliased: visually smooth; often used as a simile (“You’ve got some anti-aliased moves there, waker.”)
  • Alpha/Beta/Gold: phases of developing an idea or plan; often used as epithets (“Pro’ never seems to get his mind beyond alpha.”)
  • Defragment, -ation: Organise; tidy; bring order to chaos.
  • Fragmentation: Entropy; discord; untidiness; sloppiness of maintenance.
  • Pixels:

--IMAGinES 19:05, 12 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Bad Sector needs to be in somewhere.

--IMAGinES 19:44, 18 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Bad Sector = An unstable area (RED LIGHT DISTRICT) of the system, where programs can be subject to lock down and deletion by AntiVirus security programs.

-frank blankenship

as in... He hangs out in the Bad Sector.