We Belong to the Night: T&T
A component campaign of We Belong to the Night
House Rules
- Only Warrior and Wizard PCs are allowed.
- Skills will not be used at this time.
- Archery SRs will not generally be as difficult as those listed in the rules.
- A 5 or less on an SR is not an automatic failure, a natural three or less is. This does mean that DARO does not apply to snake-eyes. Too bad.
- Characters roll their stats in order on 3d6. TARO applies. Any character who never rolls a triple may add 1d6 to the attribute of their choice (or another 1d6 to their gold roll) after they have rolled all their attributes.
- The game is human-only from a mechanical standpoint, and roughly human-only from a narrative standpoint. I am somewhat flexible in what constitutes "human" when it comes to the description of characters.
- Characters die very easily, so don't invest too much into a starting one. A maximum fifty word description and three brief "tags" are sufficient.
Character Stables
Each player should have three characters at any given time. The first one listed is the active one, and the only one that will gain experience or treasure. When a character dies, the player must select one of the remaining two to bring into play. A third one may be rolled up and added to the stable at their leisure.
Blank Character Sheet
- Name:
- Career:
- Description:
- Tags:
- Strength
- IQ
- Luck
- Constitution
- Dexterity
- Charisma
- Gear
- Weapons
- Armor
- Normal combat dice & adds: