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Sephrina was born on a small shrine world her life dedicated from birth to the Emperor, she joined a local convent of the Order of the Sacred Bone a small mission mainly of Hospitalars but with a few Militant sisters as well. She was a quick study and much to the chargin of the senior militant Sister she joined the Hopsitalars where she quickly grew in skill able to administer to both the bodies and minds of the sick and injured. She began a pilgrimage to various planets important to the order.
It was during this travel that her greatest failing came to light, a nearly unsustainable hunger for knowledge, despite the discomfort that much of what she learned caused her she still sought it out can came across something... She doesn't remember what but it was to do with her order, she kept pursing it till she came to the attention of the inquisition who dealt with the issue and sealed of Sephrina's memories of the incident. Since then she was often called on to use her knowledge and skills for the inquisition and her own order.
Many, years later she was shocked when she was raised to Palatine to command her own mission, she was probably the most surprised when she was chosen. Because of her travels her name is well known as a skilled healer, and counciler and her services are often in demand another mark in her favour in the eyes of the inquistion.
Character Name | Player Name | Career Path | Ascended Career | Rank | Experience |
Sephrina | Faustus21 | Hospitalar/Adept | Palatine | Rank 10 | 17,000 |
Home World | Background Package | Transition Package | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Shrine World | N/A | Miracle | - | - | - |
Weapon Skill | Ballistic Skill | Strength | Toughness | Agility | Intelligence | Perception | Willpower | Fellowship | Wounds | Fate | Insanity | Corruption |
42 | 42 | 33 | 33 | 43 | 40 | 37 | 54 | 49 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
- Awarness +20
- Chem-use
- Charm
- Common Lore (Adeptus Aribites, Administarum +10, Ecclesirachy,Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperialum +10, Machine Cult +10, Tech)(Int)
- Command +20
- Device
- Dodge
- Drive (Ground Vehicle)
- Evaluate
- Forbidden Lore (Cults +20, Heresy +20, Inquisition +20, Mutants +20)
- Interrogation +10
- Inquiry +20
- Literacy
- Logic +20
- Perform (Singer) (Fel)
- Medicae (Int) +10
- Search
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy+10, Bureaucracy, Chymistry+10, Cryptology, Heraldy+10, Imperial Creed+10, Judgement, Numerolgoy+10, Occult, Tactica Imperiallis)
- Scrutiny
- Sleight of hand
- Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic)(int)
- Tech-Use
- Trade (Apocraphy)
- Basic Weapon Training (Bolt)
- Basic Weapon Training (SP)
- Melee Weapon Training (Chain)
- Melee Weapon Training (Primative)
- Pistol Weapon Training (Bolt)
- Pistol Weapon Training (Flamer)
- Pistol Weapon Training (SP)
- Air of authority
- Ambidextrous
- Armour of Contempt
- Deadeye shot
- Faith Talent x9
- Peer(Admech, Goverment, Imperial Guard), Nobility, Ecclesiarchy, Insane, Adeptus Aribites)
- Pure Faith
- Orthoproxy
- Rapid Reload
- Step aside
- Swift Attack
- Talented(Medicae, Command)
- Fear the Unhallowed -10 to forbidden Lore(Int)
- Power of Hate free talent
- Supplicant when tenants of faith challenged, make a WP test to suppress violent urges
Ascended Traits
- Favoured of the Emperor Not effected by curruption. reduce currupt + Insan points by willpoer bonus
- Miracle Worker Once per session spend faith to active power as if burned
Combat Stats
Weapon Name | Skill | Class | Range | Rate of Fire | Damage | Penetration | Clip | Reload | Special | Weight | Rarity |
Godwyn Bolter | 42(+5) | Basic | 90m | S/2/- | 1d10+5 X | 4 | 30 | 1 Full | Reliable, Tearing | 6kg | Very Rare |
Weapon Name | Skill | Class | Range | Rate of Fire | Damage | Penetration | Clip | Reload | Special | Weight | Rarity |
Bolt Pistol | 42(+5) | Pistol | 30m | S/2/- | 1d10+5 X | 4 | 8 | 1 Full | Reliable | 3.5kg | Rare |
Weapon Name | Skill | Class | Range | Rate of Fire | Damage | Penetration | Clip | Reload | Special | Weight | Rarity |
Chainsword | 42(+10) | Chain | N/A | N/A | 1d10+2 R | 2 | N/A | N/A | Balanced, Tearing | 6kg | Rare |
- Initiative Bonus: +4
- Movement: 4/8/12/24
- Wounds: 10
- TB: 3
- Armor: 8/9(on body)
- Dodge: 43
- Parry: 42
- Godwyn Pattern Bolter
- BQ, Sarissa
- Bolt Pistol
- BQ
- Chainsword
- BQ
- 'Seraphim Flamer
- BQ
- Sorataries Power Armour
- + 10 to strength
- + 5 to BS due to inbuilt systems
- 7/8
Other Equipment
- Scordia
- Chaplet Ecclesiasticus
- Hospitaller Medicae Tools
- Ring of Suffrage
- Rule of Sorotias
- Writing Kit
- BQ Sheild Robes
Experience Spent
- Rank 1 -500xp
- Int +5 100
- Awe 100
- Charm 100
- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) 100
- Trade (Apothecary) 100
- Rank 2 -500xp
- Forbidden Lore (Cults)100xp
- Inquiry 100xp
- Drive (GV) 100xp
- Tech-Use 100xp
- Rank 3 - 1100xp
- Awarness+10 100xp
- Common Lore (Tech) 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Cults) +10 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Heresy) 100xp
- Faith Talent 300xp
- Pure Faith 400xp
- Rank 4 - 3000xp
- Awareness +20 100xp
- Decive 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Mutants) 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) 100xp
- Inquiry + 10 100xp
- Medicae +10 100xp
- Melee (Chain) 200xp
- Talented (Medicae) 100xp
- Rank 5 - 6250
- Dodge 100xp
- FL (Heresy) + 10 100xp
- FL (Inquistion) +10 100xp
- FL (Mutants) +10 100xp
- Scutiny 100xp
- Basic Weapon Training Bolt 200xp
- Pistol Training Bolt 200xp
- Armour of Contempt 100xp
- Will +5 100xp
- Faith Talent x3 900xp
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Heraldy) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore Imperial Creed) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Bureaucry) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Occult) 100xp
- Ag +5 250xp
- Ag +5 500xp
- Rank 6 - 8000xp
- Step aside 200xp
- WS +5 500xp
- BS +5 250xp
- Command 100xp
- Inquiry +20 100xp
- Evaluate 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Judgement) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Nemerology) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperiallis) 100xp
- Rank 7 - 10,000xp
- Search 100xp
- Interrogation 200xp
- Deadeye shoot 200xp
- Common Lore (Adeptus Aribites) 100xp
- Common Lore (Administartum) 100xp
- Logic 100xp
- Air of Authority 100xp
- Orthoproxy 100xp
- Peer (Goverment) 100xp
- Talented (Logic) 100xp
- Command +10 200xp
- Interrogation + 10 200xp
- Logic + 10 100xp
- Pistol Training (Flamer) 100xp
- Rank 8 - 13,000
- Forbidden Lore (Cults) +20 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +20 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Inquitstion) +20 100xp
- Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20 100xp
- Peer(Nobilty) 100xp
- Peer (Admech) 300xp
- Peer (Ecclesiarchy) 300xp
- Command +20 200xp
- Quick Draw 200xp
- Rapid Reload 200xp
- Talented(Command) 200xp
- Common Lore Imperium 100xp
- Common Lore Imperium +10 100xp
- Commonlore Admin +10 100xp
- Common Lore (MAchine cult) 100xp
- Common Lore (Machine cult) 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) + 10 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Chymisty) +10 100xp
- Scholasctic Lore (Heraldry) +10 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) + 10 100xp
- Scholastic Lore (Nemerolgy) +10 100xp
- Logic +20
- Slight of Hand 300xp
- Rank 9
- Swift Attack 500xp
- Faith Talentx5 900xp
- Will +5 250xp
- Int +5 250xp
- Fel +5 250xp
- Fel +5 500xp
- Sound Con 200xp
- Ambidextrous 300xp
- Peer (Insane) 100xp
- Peer (Adeptus Arbites) 500xp
- Chem-use 200xp