Its A Mad World Epic4E:Voadam Skysailor

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Voadam Skysailor is a character played by Voadam in the "It's a Mad World" campaign.

| Voadam Skysailor @ Iplay4e

| Pardallion @ Iplay4e

Paladin? Wizard? Kingmaker? I heard that Bahamut himself held him locked in a crystal for centuries until he was needed to stop a demon invasion that would tear the world apart. Who is he and why is he here?


Height: 6, 2"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Age: Late 30’s, 40’s?; He appears to be in his thirties or forties but he has spent centuries locked in a stasis crystal, spent significant time on other planes, and been subject to diverse magical forces so it is not clear what his true age is.
Alignment: Good
Deity: Though he is a paladin of Pelor this is solely a legal title the church awarded him to authorize his witch hunts and does not denote a devotion to the deity. He does not offer worship to deities.
Voadam is a big bear of a man with thick brown hair, a full beard, and piercing steel blue eyes. He bears a number of old scars but his expression is often friendly and welcoming


  • Voadam Skysailor, Paladin of Pelor – Voadam is a hunter of demons, cultists, and evil forces. He is a wanderer who plunges into the middle of prophecies and plots wherever he travels. He played kingmaker and matchmaker to put a high priest of Pelor on the ducal throne of Necto-Aquia after the Raven Queen maneuvered the former nobility and upper class of merchants and necromancers to their doom in a Shadowfell Realm of Dread. The only reward he asked of the priest was a paladin’s title and the right to conduct witch hunts.

Voadam is a man of many influences -

  • Viking, Barbarian – Voadam was born among a Norse culture in the past and at a young age took up spear and blade among a band of sea raiders calling themselves the Dokkalfaire. He grew up fighting for glory and loot. During long winters he loved to listen to the tales of magic and monsters, heroes and gods. He has a big and good heart but he values cunning and bravery, not mercy or piety. He believes strongly in honor and striking down evil, but his code is not aligned with most of the current cultures of the world.
  • Monsters, Magic, and Allies – When a fiend summoning warlord destroyed the Dokkalfaire Voadam took up a wandering life as a sell-sword in search of power to overcome such creatures of darkness. When he encountered a renegade dark elf in a foreign land the two made a pact and Voadam learned the first of his magics. Voadam proceeded to journey and work with and learn from diverse peoples as his power grew: barbaric shamen, meditative wu jen, learned Eladrin, and even the research notes of magical foes he defeated. He was flexible and found ways to work with most anyone from dangerous villains to crusading holy warriors.
  • Shipmaster, Merchant, Power Behind the Throne – Rescuing an enchanted clan of dwarves from slaving astral pirates, Voadam was happy to take the strange craft as a reward and begin a career in the astral sea. One profitable venture after another of trading and raiding brought him fortune and enemies. He began to build his political career becoming at different times, Merchant Consul of the Silver City, advisor to imperial church bishops and the emperor himself, and a rising star ascending through the ranks of various arcane organizations.
  • Enemies, Enemies, Enemies – Voadam’s willingness to step in and take on dangerous foes has earned him more than his share of enemies. He has been cursed and targeted by political and supernatural enemies. Nobles have put prices on his head as have occult forces. He has been duped and betrayed numerous times. A paladin paramour of his was turned into a wight until he tracked her down and slew her to release her soul. The Demon lord Xephid physically threw Voadam through time after the Viking fulfilled a prophecy to stop the lord’s entering the world, leaving a broken Voadam to start anew from nothing in a world he no longer recognized. The Queen of Chaos shattered his soul for a time when he worked to rejoin the Rod of Seven Parts. The Spider Queen has not forgotten Voadam’s interference with her plans. Vecna encased him in crystal for hundreds of years after Voadam heard a prophecy of the upcoming demonic apocalypse. And most recently the demonic Bride tried to assure the fruition of her ascendancy prophecy by sending abyssal ghouls to attempt to assassinate Voadam to nullify the prophecy that said he would save the world.
  • Dread Realm Escapee – Voadam and the Raven Queen’s Prophet boarded the massive doomed pleasure ship The Colossal to seek an audience with the Raven Queen’s Chosen who was engaged on its maiden voyage alongside the royalty, merchant upper class, and necromancer elite of Necto-Aquia. The Doom of the zombie-powered ship was slowly revealed to the shadar kai Prophet on the voyage and Voadam prepared to save as many as could be. When a lich powered iceberg vessel bearing an abyssal pirate crew assaulted the ship a marilith worked her way in and bided her time while the rest of the liches’ crew were beaten back. It became apparent a dread realm was slowly forming around the ship as the iceberg could not escape a ring of fog bounding the vessels nor could teleport magics. The captain eventually revealed he was a kraken with a vendetta against the city and he unleashed the poison covered zombies on the passengers and started to crack the Colossal in multiple spots. Voadam and the Prophet slew the captain as he manifested in his true newly crowned lord form disrupting it for the day. They ended up corralling the surviving people to the deck, then fighting their way down through the zombie hordes to where the marilith was assassinating the Chosen. Voadam fought the marilith while the Chosen passed on his blessing to the Prophet. After dispatching the marilith Voadam and the Prophet led the fight to the lich’s trapped iceberg vessel taking it over and transferring the surviving minority of passengers off the sinking Colossal. The Prophet’s new blessing allowed Voadam to steer the iceberg vessel through the mists back to the world as the Dread Realm formed back up behind them to reform the destruction of the Colossal everyday anew from then on for all eternity.
  • Kingmaker – Once back in the world Voadam took it upon himself to restore stability to Necto-Aquia with a new dynasty lest it fall into anarchy or darkness after the Raven Queen’s vengeance. He set up a high priest of Pelor distantly related to the old duke in the position and fended off other predators who sought to take power in the new vacuum. One of these was a worm that walks who ruled the Shadowfell mirror of the city, a kingdom filled with hungry sentient undead who sought more mortals to feast upon. Voadam engaged the worm in a shadow war that ended with the worm’s destruction, a slight separation of the shadowfell and the world. Pelor and the Raven Queen then manifested in the sky over the priest’s coronation, showing the approval of the gods on this new turn for the city.
  • Demon Hunter – Voadam has fought many demons, cultists, and undead over the years. He believes in striking against evil and striking down enemies. He is pragmatic and utilitarian, willing to work with evil parties to stop a greater evil or do good.

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