The Magnificent Spears Daoxuan
Surely we're all devoted Nova draeers and there's a lot of text to read. There you are on page 13 (June 2008 issue) having finished the Blessings Feature and resting your eyes on the half-page ad for the internationally acclaimed mind body healing expert Brandon Bays. Brandon looks sparklingly healthy (amazing what a bit of work and a daily colonic irrigation can do) and willing to impart some wisdom (well, probably enough of it to get you to buy a book and some tapes) for a mere $695 for a weekend intensive.Days later when you reach page 39 you'll find Lerae Rowney's article about two healing guides who are inspired to share the work that has helped them heal themselves. Sahaja had breast cancer, but luckily a friend had a book called The Journey by Brandon Bays What a co-incidence!