The Peony Chronicles:Mantis
Mantis Families
This page contains notes on mantis NPCs for the The Peony Chronicles campaign.
Yoritomo Rinsei
The Clan Champion and daimyo of the Yoritomo family, Rinsei is perhaps the richest man in all of Rokugan. He is said to be fluent in at least 2 or 3 Gaijin langauges, but despite his wealth, he always looks unassuming. On his rare visits to court, he has been mistaken for a ronin or bodyguard.
Yoritomo Ogawa
The sensei of Dojo Raiden, Oqawa, at 61, is the oldest non-retired bushi in Rokugan. He seldom visits the mainland, but can often be seen visiting some port or other, though he rarely leaves the ship he travels on. He has been fostering Toturi Hizatoru, and the two get on well.
Moshi Ritsuko
In her early 40s, the daimyo of the Moshi family is still attractive. Ritsuko has several ties to the Crane clan, not least because of her friendship with O-Doji Koneko, who she affectionately refers to as "Obaa-Sama" (Auntie).
Yoritomo Kagitora
A competitor at the Topaz Tournament.