Cabal:Sixth Day

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Carl, Thanks for stopping by--and for tnwiirg thoughtfully on a subject I find absorbing! A surprising number of my visitors find their way to my site via yours, so I'll be glad if a few visitors find your page through mine for a change of pace.  :)Cosette, thanks for sharing your experience. One of the things I cherish about Quaker meeting is how much more conducive to humility I find it. Often, in meeting for worship, I'll have the thought that I could sit in meeting for the rest of my life, and never again be called upon to give vocal ministry--and I can't describe the peacefulness of that thought! The Wiccan High Priestess, who is often the only conduit of vocal ministry for her community, doesn't have that good sense of being able to lean back on and trust in the community and the Spirit, and it is (I find) MUCH harder to keep my balance in that situation. Part of the reason my practice is Quaker, and not Wiccan, these days--the humility seems actually to nurture the connection with Spirit.David, I really like the way you put it when you talk about the relationship with Spirit as just that--a relationship, and when it becomes "I" and not "we" in our minds, we've lost it.Though I may like the poetic version of it even better. Thank you for sharing it--it really speaks to me, and is worth thinking about deeply.Blessings,Cat