Ati Maharathi Sparda
Quote: "Existence is war."
Character Stats
Warrior Without Peer
- “The Immortal,” Master Strategist, Fearless or Foolhardy?, Daiklaive of Conquest
Dawn Caste Solar
- Fearsome Presence, The Sun’s Shogun, Master of Arms
- Wildnerness Survival, Unrefined, Hunter’s Instincts, Straightforward
- Feared by lesser gods, Victory without drawing a sword, Followers
Key of the Charge
Hit this Key whenever your response to the presence of a foe is to charge into battle. You may take enough time to do reconnaisance to determine what you’re up against, but the battle plan must always be, “Charge!”
Key of the Outcast
You are feared by all the gods save the Incarnae, and your Exalted peers do not know what to make of you. Hit this Key whenever your savage ways or bloody history moves people out of the way of accomplishing your goals
Key of the Insatiable
Whether it’s food, women, or booze, you have a warrior’s appetite! Hit this key whenever you overindulge
Secret of Mars' Favor
The Maiden of Battles sees a kindred spirit despite your primitive nature. Spend 1 mote to have a scene edited in your favor by Fate. An unlikely coincidence happens to assist you at just the right time.
Secret of Experience
Once per session, you can use tags from more than one trait when you make a roll
Character Information
Before his Exaltation, Sparda was little more than an angry young man who excelled in violence, scorning society for the way it had treated him. His defeat by the Unconquered Sun, Exaltation and recruitment into the Exalted Host saw him shed much of his bitterness and hatred as he realized that there was simply no point wasting time with petty anger when there were so many better things (and battles!) in life.
Sparda hides a remarkably intelligent and insightful mind under a veneer of foolish horseplay. Mars notes that he devoured her entire library on tactical and strategic manuals barely a week after learning to read, and even his wild and unfettered style shows elements of careful planning within its movements. In addition, his mastery of all forms of the martial arts (though he favors the sword) grants him an impressively broad repertoire of options in battle. His tactics mainly rely on being unpredictable and using sheer brute force to overpower his foe, though he unconsciously directs his actions with the skill of a master tactician. Such is the method to his madness.
The boy who would be Sparda was not a scion of privilege, wealth or power. His mother died in childbirth, and he was raised by his father, an abusive drunk who somehow managed to lead a band of wandering warriors despite his near constant inebriation. Sparda's father treated his son like dirt, even after Sparda learned and excelled at swordplay to please him. The others in the warband reviled him as a cursed child, for he had killed his mother before drawing breath and his uncanny affinity for the martial arts filled them with alternating fear and envy. Nothing he did could gain their approval, and he finally parted ways with the band after he realized that they would never accept him.
The young Sparda grew to manhood in the wild, fighting beasts, men, monsters, gods and the world itself (for Creation was a harsher place then, to give mortals cause to revere the Primordials). He lived by the sweat of his brow and the strength of his arm, eschewing contact with humanity save to sate his desires or to indulge in his beloved warfare. Without wishing for it, he began attracting a band of followers to himself, for strength acts as a beacon to the weak. At first he refused to acknowledge them as equals or even companions, but they continued following him anyway. Over time, he came to feel a form of concern for them; he would smite the beasts and bandits assaulting them, or point them toward a hidden stand of trees or a concealed freshwater spring, and eventually he came to see them as "his people".
Oftimes, he would disdain a proper bed and promptly fall asleep in the middle of the battlefield, covered in his blood and that of his foes. When scavengers and looters came to plunder the fallen, it would trigger Sparda's finely honed instincts and he would roar to life. From this, he entered legend as The Ever-Living, The Immortal, Who Is Slain A Hundred Times And Does Not Die, among other sobriquets. Sparda cared not for them. All he wanted to do was fight mighty opponents as proof of his existence.
As the Unconquered Sun sought champions to be his Exalted, he received a recommendation from one of his subordinates about an immortal human who had distinguished himself in battle against many foes. However, he had discorporated every minor god sent to recruit him after said divinities attempted to beat him into submission. Seeing a likely candidate for his potential Dawn Caste, the Unconquered Sun decided to take the measure of this remarkable man in person. Naturally, Sparda sensed a strong opponent and welcomed the avatar with blade, bow and fist. The two fought for a full day and night, until Sparda's weapons were broken, his strength was depleted, and he lay immobile before the Unconquered Sun. For the first time in his life, Sparda realized that he had met an opponent he couldn't best. And so when Sol Invictus claimed him as one of his Chosen, Sparda grudgingly accepted.
A character in the PbP game Lady Raiton.