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  • Fists of Infinite Penance
  • Caste: Zenith
  • Concept:


  • Hunt down unholy evils




  • Parents' killers (Vengeance)


  • The weak (Protectiveness)
  • The Circle (Loyalty)


Golden Light of circular Glyph circulating behind him



  • Strength 4
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 5


  • Charisma 4
  • Manipulation 1
  • Appearance 4


  • Perception 2
  • Intelligence 1
  • Wits 4



  • Integrity 5
  • Presence 2
  • Resistance 5


  • Athletics 3
  • Martial Arts 5 (+3 Smashfists)
  • Occult 4 (+1 Demons)
  • Dodge 4
  • Awareness 3



Artifact 1: Cord of Winds

Artifact 1: Gill Cloak

Artifact 1: Smashfist

Artifact 4: Orichalcum Perfected Kata Bracers


Martial Arts

  • 1st Martial Arts Excellency
  • Fists of Iron Technique
  • Sledgehammer Fist Punch
  • Dragon Coil Technique
  • Solar Hero Form
  • Heaven Thunder Hammer


  • Durability of Oak Meditation
  • Spirit Strengthens the Skin
  • Iron Kettle Body
  • Essence-Gathering Temper
  • Iron Skin Concentration


  • Spirit-Detecting Glance
  • Spirit-Cutting Attack


  • Righteous Lion Defense
  • Shedding Infinite Radiance


  • Monkey Leap Technique



  • Essence: 3
  • Personal: 19m
Current: 19m
  • Peripheral: 32m
Current: 32m
  • Committed to Charms: 0m
  • Committed to artifacts:
  • Willpower: 10
  • Anima status: Quiescent


  • Compassion: 3
Current channels: (3/3)
  • Conviction: 4
Current channels: (4/4)
  • Temperance: 1
Current channels: (1/1)
  • Valor: 5
Current channels: (5/5)

Flawed Virtue



  • Join Battle: 7
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak: 2L/5B


  • Smashfist: Speed 5, Accuracy 16 Damage +11B/2, Defense +3, Rate 2, Tags: M, O
  • Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +0B, Defense +2, Rate 3, Tags: N
  • Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +0B, Defense –, Rate 1, Tags: C, N, P
  • Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Defense -2, Rate 2, Tags: N


  • Move: 5
  • Jump: 11 vertical, 22 horizontal
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

-0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated



Physically, Chen is immensely appealing. Eyes would be drawn by his mannish charm wherever he goes, inducing wild fantasy in hearts of many fair ladies. Chen is a gifted combat adept; few in the temple could match him in fights; he is unbeatable. When it comes to intellect, many considered him lacking. Maybe, it was a head injury he suffered during a training accident that impedes the growth of his mental facility. Fortunately, he is blessed with natural charm and doesn’t speak much to expose his weakness. Though he sincerely believe he is intelligent.

It is only natural that Chen acts out of intuition rather than that of reasons. His behaviors are primarily driven by dominating emotions and ideals drawn from the few impactful events in his life; his parent’s death, his exaltation, he becoming the hunted, UCS as his God and his new found friends. Once Ideals and meanings of things get imprinted in his skull, he guards them with unwavering stubbornness. Once a worthy belief is accepted, he fervently acts in accordance to it. Once a friend is recognized, he loyally defends those important to him. Once enemy is targeted, he relentlessly brings it down.

The lack of analytical faculty in his mind seems to serve him more than one would expect. Because he cannot reason well, he sees less negativity in the things he set out to do. Surely, his over optimism frequently gets him into avoidable trouble; it is also the same positivity gets him out.

“There’s no failure, only unperfected ways of doing things, Try again! If there’s no way, create one! If I can’t, then I must!” These are samples of his empowering beliefs.

Perhaps, it is sheer probability produced from his massive actions or intervention from the divine; he frequently achieved his set outcomes. He is truly favored.

It is not easy to make friend with Chen, because he doesn’t communicate much and prefers to observe the stranger’s action for an extended period of time before any prior commitment. He does possess soft spots for new Anathema, people who are wrongfully hunted, individuals who share common motivation to demon hunting, and warriors who exhibit strong fighting skills. Once he accepts the friends, loyalty is sealed for life.


Little Chen was horrified by the gruesome death of his parents when he returned home from his play. They were both nailed to the wall, their severed heads lay within a pentagon glyph, probably drew with their blood. The villagers who evidenced this unholy scene murmured demonic culprits. Several monks from a nearby temple investigated the site and took Little Chen along after submitting to his pathetic pleads. He was only 9.

The temple’s abbot empathized with his loss and pain, and saw a way to turn the boy’s despairs into something more useful. He placed him in a regiment of insane training to prepare him as demon hunter. Fueled by vengeance, Wu endured torments of brutal training and practiced fiercely. Despite his sheer lack of intellect, he made stupendous efforts to acquire knowledge about demon hunting. He swore to hunt down all unholy that plagued this world; demons and anathema alike. Ironically, he became the Anathema that he once, mistakenly, hated.

5 years ago, during a hunting mission, the hunters met a terrible foe. As a mortal, he stood weak against the demon and suffered a fatal blow, which instead granted him a second breath. A voice commanded, “Embrace your new gifts, and send infinite penance to all Evils that may plague this land” Surged with unearthly powers, he defeated the demon.

“Anathema!!!” was what he heard instead of grateful words of thanks. After that day, he became the hunted. His second breath fractured his 16 years of immaculate indoctrinations. He faced the torments of an identity crisis as he ran away from Wyld Hunters’ hot pursuits. For a year, he ran. For a year he seek direction from that “Voice”, he was replied with silence.

It was one occasion when he put off yet another demon in a village, and when the villagers greeted him with gratitude and praises, his ripples of doubts begin to settle. He came to realize that he received a gift and not a curse, without which, another village suffers the wrath of demon. He is more than what he was. He now possesses extraordinary powers that can be used to defend the weak and also avenge his parents’ death. He smiled and raised his fists into the air and declared himself as “the Fists of Infinite Penance.”

Then the Voice spoke and commanded him to head west…


Chen stood near the bow of the merchant Junk, inhaled deeply after his 5th pukes that stained softwood deck and sides of the keel as the vessel sailed into the wind. It was only less than half a day sail since Oriental Princess left the harbor from the realm.

“Sun (UCS), how many more weeks do I have to bear…” Chen grumbled.

This was his first time ever onboard a ship. A week ago, he had a lucky encounter with some unfortunate bandits who realized too late to pick him as target. With the little money he took from them, he bought a passage to the West. To where in the West? He has no idea. He just put complete faith in UCS’s suggestion, his divine arrangement. His instinct tells him that UCS didn’t give him such powers to see him pulverized for no good reason. Despite his dislike for sea route, he follows intuitively with little questions asked.

Days later, the unexpected happens, the crews onboard are actually pirates disguised as sailors and merchants. They intend to restrain him only to regret their actions later with the penance of a sunken ship. For days, he hanged on to a floating barrel that carried him to an island near Diver’s Joy. He wondered if this is another piece of the divine arrangement. For a moment, he grumbled and later prayed to the Sun for a gentler approach next time.

“So what is it that is so important that I beat down some vagabonds and sink a ship to get here? He questioned. He was again replied with silence.

He explored the island and found a site crowded with human slaves run by the Yozis cult. He later discovered that the pirates that he put down earlier are one of the slave dealers providing the cult with manpower to complete their excavations and Temple projects. The Fists of the Sun, infused with great sense of righteousness, could not tolerate such profane act, single handedly wreck destruction to the site. The slaves ran free. The cultists were either killed or fled.

The leader of the cult, an Akuma, escaped the collapsing excavation site with a bag and seeks punishment to whoever did this. And he found Chen.

The showdown was brief but brutal combat bathed in blasts of flames, lights and darkness. For a few moments, within a mile area was illuminated with bright day-light. Then with blow infused with heavenly wrath, Chen drives his crackling fist towards the victim’s chest, seemingly breaking every known bone in the Akuma’s upper torso, sending him on a flight 6 yards towards a huge boulder, leaving a terrible crater upon impact.

Chen felt an unusual resonance with the contents of the bags, and found artifacts of wondrous powers (hehe. That’s how he gets them)

“What other valuables lies in the ruins? Maybe,” Before he could complete his line of thoughts, they were interjected by the voice, “Go find the others like you!”

Who? Where? How? He quickly asked and as usual there was only silence.

While making his way out to the beach, he make attempt to draw the route to the site (he don’t trust his memory enough) so that one day, after finding the “others like him”, he may return.





  • Earned:
  • Spent:

A character in the PbP game The Devil's Due.