Gavin The Dull
Gavin The Dull
- (Thief): (1)
- (0)/(500)
- Hits: (2)/(2)
- Combat Pool: (1)
- Modifiers:
- Morale: 1
- Reaction:
- Initiative: +1
- Movement:
- Gifts & Curses: (Give their names and a brief description of what they do in the blanks below.)
- Rich: The character begins play with 10x the normal amount or value of possessions, and each month
automatically receives 2d x 25 schillings.
- Stupid:You are a moron. -1 penalty to any saving throw or ability roll calling for insight, cleverness,
or intellect. The character is not smart enough to be a magician (and would make a poor thief). -2 reaction roll modifier for any thinking person who has a conversation with you.
- Abilities: (Same as for G&C)
- Agile: Increase Armor Class by 1. +1 bonus to missile attacks (including thrown weapons), parry
attempts, initiative, and ability or saving rolls involving manual dexterity, speed or athleticism.
- Evaluate: Ability to judge the value and specific properties of exotic treasures, including magic items.
A character with the Evaluate ability will generally know the properties of most common magic items, possibly excepting those with unique and secret origins.
- Perception: The character is observant and can use this ability to hear low noises or notice subtle
things. Bonuses are gained for Acute Hearing, Eagle Eye or similar gifts (but not for the Search ability, which serves a different purpose). +1 to Surprise rolls. This ability can be used to ‘counter’ attempts to sneak, pick pockets or disguise
- Sneak: The character is skilled at moving quietly or hiding in shadows or other cover. With a
successful ability test, the character goes un-noticed by those nearby. Any character in Mail or Plate armor suffers a -2 penalty per die to Sneak attempts.
- Locks: The ability to pick locks. Task numbers for lock picking attempts reflect the complexity and
accessibility of the lock mechanism (6 is a common default), and are modified by Agility or similar abilities, gifts and curses. Equipment
- Armour: (List Armor and Shields here)
- Leather Armor AC 4, DR 0, MP-4
- Weaponry:
- Sword 0, 0, 0, +1, 0
- Shortbow -1, -1, -1, range 25
- Gear: (To save space, place all equipment here in one line)
- 15m of rope, thieves picks and tools, backpack, wolfhound, tent, 10 pouches, waterskin, boots, gloves, travelling clothes, Portable Locksmithing kit
- Treasure
- Marks:
- Crowns: 3
- Shillings: 102
- Pennies: 1
- Farthings:
- Gems, Jewelry, and so forth:
- Bio: despite his shortcomings, Gavin had always had a knack for appraisal. One day, after saving for many years, he decided to go out and see the world.