Bekim of Adari
- Main Page; Escape to Smalltown
It's what I do. My Uzko noticed me early on. Not hard, noticing me. Takes a special talent to miss an Enlo big enough to pass for a Dark One.
That's why the Uzko paired me with a small Enlo the first day. He then ordered me to fight, and I got beaten to a pulp. The small one has been doing this for a couple years already...never laid a finger on him. Is what small guyz do, all that dodging, and ducking, and weaving, like butterflies in the night. Sure, I learned some of it, but never got real good at it. I'm not a small guy, jumping is not what I do.
Pain is what I do. Pain for me, pain for the opponent, and joy for the Uzkos that watch the flesh striking flesh! And it does, even when I'm successful defending. It's just my arms, forearms and shoulders that take the hurt, if I'm lucky. Most often, there is blood on my face after winning. It's all right, really. Is what the Uzko come to see when I fight.
Oh, and let's not forget - pain for the small one that I met that first day. I still like fighting him, occasionally, makes my strikes fast and sharp. But it ends differently now. And the first time I decided I was ready for some payback? I almost killed'im. Made the Uzko happy, that! He was waiting to see if I've got the vengeful heart of a true fighter, he says.
Turns out, if I had waited another couple months without trying to pay him back, he'd have eaten me.
I fought faithfully, achieving a success after another. With lead cestii, I parried and parried, almost broke my hands, until I put a strike to the head of my opponent. Again they had chosen a nimble one. Cracked one of my ribs, the little bastard. They ate him, and I got a leg on him. The right leg, I think, and there was some thigh, too!
In the sand pit I fought, with snakes nearby... so you grapple, because otherwise, the little buggers bite you if you make sharp moves. My opponent was strangling me, but I lifted him, and let his body fall. The snakes thought his fall was too fast, and bit him. I lived another day to eat another enemy.
On the "island", I brought my Uzko victory, when I should have died. My opponent threw me near the edge of the rift. He was trying to drop me in the deep for a long, long fall, but I was too heavy. And then I fell, purposefully, throwing him over my body and in the deep. I'm still not sure what was the part that I got, so mashed up he was from the fall.
Big and small, I triumphed. Sometimes, it was luck, or strength, or a newly-learned trick. My Uzko betted on me, and won, getting richer and more fluent...influenzal... influential! Whatever.
But I think either he got tired of winning, or someone offered him a bet too good to pass. So, when we got to Pavis, I was shown my opponent.
I saw him fight, and my heart sank. There was no way I could stop his grapples, like snakes uncoiling. And there was nothing I could do to prevent him from crushing the life out of me. He was big, and strong, and he was damned skilled! I mean, he looked like he's got an additional pair o'hands... at least two of those. And a pair of extra legs.
So I decided to be the smart enlo that I am, and to run away. They say this Rubble place is Big. Maybe the Uzko will tire of lookin' for me, or will get bored, or think I've died.
Dunno, but at least, I'm gonna live a day longer than if I fought in this fight!
Character Details
- Name: Bekim
- Race: Enlo
- Social Condition: slave
- Sex: Maybe
Str: 14, Con: 13, Siz: 15, Int: 9, Pow: 11, Dex: 8:, Cha: 11.
- Hit Points: 15
- Total Fatigue Points: 25
- Total Magic Points: 11 Current: 8
- Damage Bonus: +1d4
- Experience Bonus: +5%
- Current Fatigue: 25 - ? = ?
- Current Magic Points: 11 - 0 = 11
Skill Groups
- Communication: +1%/+6%?
- Bargain (5%):-
- Command (5%):-
- Etiquette (5%):-
- Fast Talk (5%):-
- Perform (5%):-
- Persuade (15%): 25%
- Status (15%):-
- Teach (10%):-
- Language [Darkspeech] (INTx5%): 45(5)
- Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 21
- Language [Sartarite/New Pavic]: 15
- Language [Praxian]: 15
- Language [New Pelorian]: 10
- Manipulation: +0%
- Art [Sketch] (5%):-
- Craft [] (5%):-
- Fine Manipulation (5%):-
- Repair [] (15%): -
- Sleight of Hand (5%):-
- Mental: -2%
- Appraise (15%):-
- First Aid (30%): 40
- Gaming (INT+POW):-
- Strategy (01%):-
- Perception: 0%
- Darksense (25%):-
- Insight (5%):-
- Listen (25%): 45
- Navigate (10%):-
- Sense (10%):-
- Spot (25%): 45
- Track (10%):-
- +5 Scan+10 Evaluate
- Physical: +1%
- Climb (40%): 50
- Dodge (DEXx02%): 33
- Hide (10%):-
- Jump (25%):-
- Ride (5%):-
- Boat (??): +20
- Stealth (10%):-
- Swim (25%):-
- Throw (25%):-
- Magical: +0%
- Ceremony (5%):-
- Spirit (INT 9)
- Fanaticism (1)
- Protection 3
- Healing 4
- Detect Magic (1)
- Matrics
- Ceastus w/ Leadhand 4 (+4 stored MP to power)
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Melee | Missile |
Head | 1 | 5 | 19-20 | 20 | ||
Left Arm | 9/5 | 4 | 16-18 | 18-19 | ||
Right Arm | 9/5 | 4 | 13-15 | 16-17 | ||
Chest | 1 | 6 | 12 | 11-15 | ||
Abdomen | 1 | 5 | 09-11 | 07-10 | ||
Left Leg | 1 | 5 | 05-08 | 04-06 | ||
Right Leg | 1 | 5 | 01-04 | 01-03 |
- Total Hit Points: 14 HP
- Total Armor ENC: 0
Weapons and Shields
- Attack Bonus: +0/1%?
- Parry Bonus: +0/1%?
- +5% 1-handed slashing weapons
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
Spear | 1d8+1+1d4 | 2 | 15 | 50% | 25% | 2.0 | |
Shield | 1d3+1d4 | 3 | 15 | 10% | 50% | 0.5 | |
Sling | 1d8+1d2 | - | - | 15% | - | 0.5 | |
Brawl (Ceastus) | 1d3+2+1d4 | 3 | na | 75% | 75% | 0 | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 3 | special | 50% | 50% | 0 | 0 |
Light x-bow | X | X1 | X2 | Base+10?% | - | X3 | |
Sword | Y+1d4 | Y1 | Y2 | Z+15 | Z+1525% | Y3 |
- Total Weapon ENC: 3.0
- Weapons:
- Listed above.
- Armour:
- Listed above.
- Other:
- Target (to use as normal shield, if it's made for enlo).
- Spear
- Bronze Kettle hat (3 AP, Size 10, standing funny on top of his head)
- Heavy padded armour (Size 11, 2 AP, unless it strikes one of the many open uncovered places)
- Main Page; Escape to Smalltown