Morden the Dirger

Morden the Dirger
- Class: Bard
- Race: Human
- Alignment: Neutral (good)
- Level: 3
- Current XP: 2,500
- XP needed for next level: 5,000
- Background Blurb: Morden's three musical instruments are the harp, the flute and the ankhli, a Thri-kreen comb-harp. The last is difficult for other races to play at all, much less master, as its sounds barely register as music to humanoid ears. Morden is fascinated with the instrument, and has earned money singing and playing the dirges of the insect-folk.
- Strength: 13
- Dexterity: 17 (+2 reaction, +2 missile, -3 def)
- Constitution: 17 (+2 hp/die)
- Intelligence: 13 (+3 NWP)
- Wisdom: 14
- Charisma: 15 (reaction +3)
- Racial Abilities
- 1 Unlimited advancement in any class
Combat Block
- HP: 24
- AC:
- THAC0: 19
- Initiative: -2
- Movement Rate: 12"
- Saving Throws
- Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic: 13
- Rod, Staff, or Wand: 14
- Petrification or Polymorph: 12
- Breath Weapon: 16
- Spell: 15
- Weapon Proficiencies:
- Primary Weapon: longbow
- Size L
- Hit Roll Adjustment: +2 (DEX)
- Damage: S-M/L [Damage Type]
- Speed Factor: 8
- Range:
- Secondary Weapon: longsword
- Size M
- Hit Roll Adjustment: 0
- Damage: S-M/L [Damage Type] 1d8/1d12
- Speed Factor: 5
- Range: 0
- Nonweapon Proficiencies
- Ancient History (INT) [13]
- Local history (free) (INT) [13]
- Bargain (WIS-2) [12]
- Modern Languages, Thri-kreen (INT) [13]
- Musical Instrument, harp, flute & ankhli (DEX-1) [16]
- Rope Use (DEX) [17]
- Singing (CHA) [15]
- Water Find (INT) [13]
- Rogue Abilities
- Pick Pockets: 15 + 5[DEX] = 20%
- Open Locks: 10 + 10[DEX] = 20%
- Find/Remove Traps: 5%
- Move Silently: 10 + 5[DEX] + 10pts = 15%
- Hide in Shadows: 5 + 5[DEX] = 10%
- Climb Walls: 60 + 10[armor] = 70%
- Detect Noise 15 + 5pts = 20%
- Read Language 0 + 10pts + 15pts = 25%
- Bard Abilities
- Alter moods: listeners save vs. paralyzation or have their reactions adjusted +/-1 per three bard levels.
- After three rounds of preparation, give allies w/in 10'/lvl a +1 to attack OR +1 to saves OR +2 to morale. Effect lasts one round per level.
- 5%/level (currently 15%) chance to identify general purpose and function of a magic item
- Languages: Common, Thri-kreen
- Literacy: Common
- Psi Power:
- Wild Talent: Radial Navigation
- Power Score: INT-3 [10]
- Power Points: 36
Poison Mastery
- Poison C (injected); onset 2-5 minutes; strength 25/2-8
- Spells Known: 0
- longsword
- harp
- ankhli (Thri-kreen comb harp)