Netherworld Academy Character Shae
Nightshade “Shae” Fortune - Masked Avenger
"Evil beware!"
Bod 7 (Toughness 8)
Chi 0
Mnd 8
Ref 6 (Speed 8)
Detective +10 =15
Guns +7 =12
Fix-it +4 (12)
Info/Science +2 (10)
Info/Movie Industry +2 (10)
Info/History +2 (10)
Intimidation +4 (12)
Martial Arts +8 = 13
Infiltration +2 (8)
Driving +1 (motorcycles) (7)
Deceit +1 (9)
Unique Schticks
“Cowardly, superstitious lot:” Intimidation attempts against unnamed hoodlums get a +5 AV Bonus
Derring-Do: +3 AV bonus for marital arts checks involving heroic movement, leaping, daredevil stunts and so on, but not attacks or dodges.
Weapon Schticks
Both Swords Flashing 1 (melee version of Both Guns Blazing)
Death of 1,000 Cuts (Melee version of 10,000 Bullets, attack two targets with no AV penalty)
Two collapsible batons (Str. +3 damage)
Wealth Level
Melodramatic Hook
Driven to fight for justice in the secret war against evil, and to find her mother.
Badass Parent
Hunter Fortune, action movie star. A martial artist who does his own stunts (though his skills are widely believed by the public to be fake), he balances movie stardom and kicking but for the Dragons (and was on set when so many of his friends were killed, which haunts him). He had an on again/off again impossible romance with the mercenary White Ninja, who one day left their baby daughter on his doorstep, much to his surprise. The note said she named their daughter “Nightshade” to remind him of her, a beautiful, dangerous flower.
A 14 year old prodigy in just about anything she puts her mind to, Nightshade ("Shae" for short) is of mixed Chinese and Irish-American descent, with pale, nearly milk-white skin, shiny black hair kept in a pageboy cut and green, almond-shaped eyes. Shae's dad is a rich single parent with a double life, so she hasn't lacked for much save parental involvement, which is typical of her peers in Beverly Hills. She'd always been a thrillseeker and a bit of a tomboy... She grew to detest the inane interests of her celebutante classmates, despite adopting some as protective camouflage. Between eavesdropping and a study of the impressive library in their LA mansion, she worked out some of what her father was really doing on those “location scouting trips.” There were really monsters around! And time travel and conspiracies! And he was fighting against them! How cool was that?! She also figured this “secret war” had something to do with her mother... Her dad had been scandalously linked to all sorts of celebrities in the tabloids, so she had to be someone more than that! She told him she wanted in on this, and he balked for a while, but eventually brought her to see a weird, cranky old guy, the master that trained him. He was impressed with her reflexes, her wits, her toughness... but told her she couldn't be trained like her father. She didn't have any ability to direct chi at all. She'd never be able to leap 40 feet straight up or ignite her fists and her dad and master showed how powerful these skills were in an amazing demonstration. She had to admit they were right. Her father hoped this would be the end of her dangerous ambitions. He was wrong, as the rejection just made her more determined. She'd do it herself, find a path that didn't need chi!
Using a combination of loose parental supervision and a lot of money, Shae began to train, learning a whole lot from the stuntmen and prop guys at the movie studio for a start... she even wound up with a couple of bit parts in movies, getting some acting training, even picking up hints on detective work from the tabloid journalists that were everywhere in the city. She even hired grad students to tutor her in advanced college subjects. After making a costume and a number of useful devices for herself, she managed to spend two months terrorizing the LA underworld as Nightshade before her dad caught her at it and packed her off to the Netherworld Academy. She's wearing her mask there full time, a deep purple half cowl with two ties tucked in at the back. She often supplements her school uniform with motorcycle boots, gloves, elbow pads and a tactical fanny pack.
Vivian Fox, a spoiled rich girl from northeastern old money, she has family ties to the Lodge and to federal law enforcement. Uses the Karate Cop template.