Pretty Perfect Monsters:Latrodecta

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  • Hunter D10
  • Destroyer D6
  • Stalker D8


  • Magitek Mystery Machine
  • Devourer of Beauty
  • Slow and Analytical

Power Sets

Magitek Spider Body


  • Sting d10
  • Durability d10
  • Climbing d6
  • Strength d8
  • Computer Control d8
  • Shapeshifting d8


  • SFX Welcome To My Web (Add a d6 to the pool and step up the Effect Die when creating an Entangled complication.)
  • SFX Feeding Time (When inflicting Physical Stress to an enemy using Sting, you may step back any Stress Lactrodecta has by one die size. If this eliminates the stress, you may step back Trauma by one die size.)
  • SFX Eight Limbs, No Waiting (Target multiple opponents. Add a d6 and keep an additional Effect die for each additional target of this attack)


  • Limit: Just The One (Shapeshifting may only be used to assume one specific human form.)
  • Limit: Awkward Positioning (Sting and the associated SFX may not be used except to target an enemy with an Entangled complication.)
  • Limit: Technological Terror (When attacked by any electromagnetic or computer-based power, you may turn any Magitek Spider Body power into a Complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the Complication to recover the power.)

Lily the Ghost


  • Senses d10
  • Mind Control d10
  • Psychic Resistance d12


  • SFX Possession (Add a d6 to the pool and step up the Effect Die when creating a Mind Controlled complication.)
  • SFX Keep Off Of Her! (On a Reaction against a Mental Stress action, inflict Mental Stress with your effect die at no PP cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1)
  • SFX Don't Be Sad! I Love You! (Before you make an action including a Lily the Ghost power, you may move your Emotional Stress die to the Doom Pool and step up the Lily The Ghost power by +1 for this action.)


  • Limit: Busy Now! (While a Mind Controlled complication exists on a target, Lily the Ghost powers cannot be used for anything but increasing the level of the Complication. Mind Control cannot be combined with Eight Limbs, No Waiting.)
  • Limit: Distractable (Gain 1 PP and shutdown Lily the Ghost for the remainder of the scene)


  • Science Expert d8
  • Tech Master d10
  • Psych Expert d8
  • Combat Expert d8
  • Mystic Rookie d6


Who Am I?

  • 1 XP when you first refer to your missing memories
  • 3 XP when you uncover an important clue as to your original identity
  • 10 XP when you either discover who you once were and embrace it, or reject your original life completely to become a monster.

The Line Is Blurred

  • 1 XP when you take advantage of someone's attraction to you to move closer to them.
  • 3 XP when you let yourself feel mutual attraction to potential prey
  • 10 XP when you either kill someone you have grown to love, or spare them after they have learned your secret


Latrodecta's memories are very hazy. She woke up in a very expensive house, in a very large room that appeared to contain both vast amounts of computer equipment and machine tools and mystical designs on the floor, traced in blood.... and thirteen corpses.

She was able to determine that she had been the subject of some sort of technomedical equipment that had been combined with a mystical ritual. and that her body had become fused with some sort of life-support apparatus. Further study indicated that she was extremely skilled with technology, knew a tiny amount of magic, was able to revert to the form of a young girl, and needed to feed on human beings.

It was when she was in pursuit of this last need that she met Lily. Lily was a girl of close to Latrodecta's apparent age, who was charmed by Latro's cool charm, and talked her way into the spider-girl's life. Latrodecta wasn't entirely sure how to deal with affection, and held off from killing Lily, making excuses to delay feeding. Lily, however, soon uncovered Latrodecta's true nature-- and made a shocking proposal.

Lily had had a hard life, and suspected that she would never live to see 30. She proposed that Latro go ahead and eat her, so that her life would mean something-- a gift to the one she loved. Latrodecta ultimately accepted this gift, and Lily died in her arms, her body consumed by her lover.

However, this wasn't the end of Lily-- not at all! Her obsession with Latrodecta prevented her from moving on, and so her ghost stayed behind, wanting only one thing-- to experience giving herself to Latrodecta again and again. Since then, she's worked hard for Latro, seeking out new targets for her to possess... and Latro to feed upon.


Analytical and patient, Latro is trying to understand who and what she is. However, she doesn't really know how to say 'no' to Lily...