Ability Scores
All characters in this game have six core abilities, which determine or influence all their other statistics. Ability scores range from 3 to 20, averaging at around 10.
Strength is a measure of your character’s muscle and raw physical power. It determines your ability to hit and deal damage with melee attacks, the total weight of equipment that you can carry, and how well you perform in the Athletics skill.
Dexterity is a measure of your character’s speed and agility. It determines your ability to hit and deal damage with ranged weapons, how quickly you react, and how well you can avoid being hit, and how well you perform in the Acrobatics, Stealth and Thievery skills.
Constitution is a measure of your character’s stamina, vitality and health. It determines your ability to withstand damage, your ability to resist poison and disease, and how well you perform in the Endurance skill.
Charisma is a measure of your character’s attractiveness, social grace and force of personality. It determines your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you perform in the Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, and Streetwise skills.
Intelligence is a measure of your character’s wits, reasoning ability and memory. It determines your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you perform in the Arcana, Craft, and History skills.
Wisdom is a measure of your character’s awareness, intuition and understanding. It determines your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you perform in the Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception and Religion skills.
Ability Score Modifiers
Each ability also has a modifier, which is equal to half the ability score (round down), minus 5. Thus, an ability score of 3 has an ability modifier of -4, while an ability score of 20 has an ability modifier of +5. Most actions that you will perform use one or more ability score modifiers as a bonus or penalty to the check result, so your abilities are the most basic measure of competency in the game.