Dusky's background

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  • ‘Dusky” Marna
  • Loud, boisterous and one of the boys.. Marna is a dark skinned, heavily muscled, gap toothed lady with a much broken nose. Big boned and fit to boot is the best way to describe her without getting a kick in the arse..

Not a bad looking gal in a rough n tumble way, and she’s proud of that pot belly ..

  • “go on punch me there…aint a bit of fat..go on ah dare ya!”
  • Her family are old school Pavic stock, from Manside. The only outside blood coming from A Vingan contempory of Anratha the Frontierswoman..Myfanway Flamehair. An Alda Churian warrior who joined their community in the rubble (1540) and became Marna’s great great grand ma.

  • Marna got her nickname from the fact that you never saw her from dusk till dawn. Running wild as a kid she joined the Dolphins and got a well earned reputation as a tough brawler. Far too much time was spent over in bad side where she started making money in illegal fist fights .

So after one too many run ins with the watch and the birth of a son to a visiting bison rider, Marna was packed off to train as a guard to the Real city for a 3 year stint.

Staying with an uncle, her life consisted of boring guard duty , occasional excursions into the Rubble, inter spaced with night time fist fights in Manside for cash .

This came to a bloody end with the death of her patron at the hands of a local crime lord (head of the local turf gang) after a particularly dodgy fight when she was meant to take a fall…and didn’t.

Released from service and barely escaping with her life she hightailed it back to New Pavis and entered into occasional employment with the Ingilli family. Warehouse guarding, boat work to Corflu and the odd bit of bouncer work at Rowdy Djoh’s passed the time.

Lunars? Who cares? Yelmites? Uptight no fun … Sartarites? Stop ya whingeing Praxians? Good bunch as long as they know their place, ‘specially those bison boys’..leery wink and a nudge Pavites? Salt of the earth, so watch ya mouth Trolls? Tough fighters not to be messed with

Streetwise: a master at punch ups and brawling, Dusky is a large woman in all senses of the word . With a famous booming laugh , a boisterous manner, hard drinking and coarse. After work she can be found in any number of drinking establishments, a flagon resting on her large belly and a drunk beast rider or two under her spell..

(Will still do a stint of bouncer work at Rowdy’s, and will fight for cash with anyone if there’s no chance of being caught).

She lives with her father and mother, siblings and son Barnii in a house in Riverside….. .. It’s a crowded but happy household, with many guests arriving at all hours of the night .

Outside of work and on a ‘job’ she wears a dark brown cuirboilli breastplate, a leather skirt and cuirboilli pot helmet surmounted with 3 black feathers. Her cestus are her weapon of choice and her head butt is legendary in the rougher parts of town.

A hardwood club, short spear and dagger make up her other weapons and a shield with a stylised dolphin on its front is her main protection. Only obvious when she removes her breastplate, her back and shoulders are covered by tattoos. Intertwined Dolphins, scenes from Pavis and various appropriate runes.

Friends, family and acquaintances

Bish Bosh; Father’s bodyguard. Zebra rider.

Zsa Zsa Gaboon; a Big Rubble Baboon, hunter and sometime trader of skins with her father. She has been a constant source of joy in Marna’s life and is ‘God Mother ‘ to her son. A trickster/daka Fal initiate and purveyor of fine pelorian ladies bonnets. They met in Manside, with Zsa Zsa becomig her ringside helper.

Barnii “The Owl” ; Marna’s 10 year old son, already like his mum, he sneaks out to run with the dolphins and is being trained by his Grandfather. His father was a visiting Bison rider from the wastes…he rode into town and rode back out again… ‘Dad’ knows of his son and will send clan members in to check when it is safe to do so under the lunar occupation..

‘old man’ Boi’cee; father of Marna. An Issaries trader , ex caravan guard and thief. Well to do, he rents a house in Riverside. A trader with links to the Ingilli Family, he is a secret worshipper of Lanbril, using his contacts to fence stolen goods and has his fingers in several mock pork pies.

Raquel; mother of Marna . Old Pavis family, initiate of pavis, bit of a minx and a lush.

“Grandad” old! Lives at home, reminisces about the ‘war’ (which war no one really knows) and gets in every ones way..

Twin brother Trigga, Street tough. Marna and he don’t get on, Will occasionally get drunk and fight Marna. He usually looses. Mind you he’d kill anyone who hurt her. Has 3 kids with 2 separate women.

Darren 21 and in the Lunar auxiliaries, Pavis knows where! Should be up for some leave soon. Darren’s new wife Na’losha 26; A Carmanian ex slave girl that appeared on his last leave home, gorgeous and loyal to Darren. Her and Raquel get up to all sorts of shenanigans. Currently pregnant.

‘becca 19 year old sister, a member of the local Vingan Temple. Marna’s pride n joy. She’ll head down there and chat with the girls often enough for a bit of playful joshing and will show the girls a few fight ‘moves’.

Younger brother Rodnee17, somewhere in Manside, think zebra rider boy racer.

2 younger sisters 12 and 14 Cassandra and Marlene.. cute when at home, shop lifting maniacs and flirters with lunar boys..

The guy who trains you in fist fighting…cant remember his name but he’s there somewhere in pavis….grouchy, skinny and yes grouchy.

Has a soft spot for the Dolphins. She thinks they have gone a bit rotten recently … not like the old days.

Nugget : dodgy informer, fixer and general no good trash bag. A bit of a weasel. Always looking for his next drink swapped for a ‘nugget’ of info..

Big Vern. Marna’s uncle in the Real City. Militia man and keeper of the peace.

Terry the fist .. another fighter around town, has knocked out a few of Marna’s teeth over the years.. A good sort.

Best mates with Boi’cee. Dodgy geezer, will and can sell anything for a price…’Pppssst come ere and have a shufti at this’