Gig is the land of gigantic proportion. Everything is big in Gig. Normal-sized in Gig is what passes as "giant" to most other panians, which makes the fact that most of civilization in Gig is built a few hundred feet above ground level even more amazing.
Gig is considered rustic and isolated by Core world standards. The population has always been low but stable in numbers, and conflicts are pretty much unknown. The way of life in Gig is slow and peaceful, with steady routines and predictable patterns, at least until the arrival of the League of Humanitarian Swords and The Society for Cultural Enrichment and Improvement.
The only thing of notice in Gig history is an ancient legend about a comet that is said to have shaped the landscape of Gig times immemorial. It's an old tale though, distorted by time.
As mentioned above, Gig is the land of giants. Everything is BIG in Gig, and that means EVERYTHING. The fauna of Gig consists of strange, gigantic crossbreeds like the amphibian Whaletiger (a sort of striped, four-legged, teethed and clawed whale thing) or the fearsome Batbadgers (think flying Honey Badgers). Luckily, most of these terrors live on the ground level of Gig, meaning they are seldom a threat to the world's inhabitants and visitors, who live in the skies above. Which brings us to the next topic: The Hometrees
The Hometrees are the single largest living organisms on Gig, which is saying something. As the name suggest, the hometrees are trees. Only these trees are big enough to carry a village made for giants. The Gigasi civilization is completely built around the Hometrees. On top of the hometrees the Gigasi have built their cities. It's on the hometrees they find their grow their food thanks to edible parasitic plants that lives off the hometree's branches. Your average gigas will spend all his life living on one hometree or another, never putting a foot on solid grounds. The only city on Gig, called Gig's Capital is built on a cluster of fifteen especially big Hometrees.
The people of Gig call themselves "Gigasi". They are, like everything else, giants. Three times the size of your average human, the gigasi are an impressive sight. Besides the size, the gigasi looks mostly like humans with nutty brown skin and a really bad hairday. Their proportions are slightly distorted though, with long arms and stumpy legs, and every feature on their faces seem exaggerated with long noses, bushy eyebrows and peering little eyes that are often near-sighted. The gigasi tend to be hunchback as well, giving them a sort of lumbering appearance. Shaving is pretty much unheard off, meaning most male (and quite a few females) gigasi are bearded. Having adapted to their environment, gigasi are excellent climbers.
As a people, the gigasi are very peaceful. In known history there has never been a war between gigasi. In fact, the gigasi vocabulary lacks words to describe phenomena like "war" and "fighting". The gigasi way of life is like their beloved hometree. A gigas only want to lay down his/her roots and slowly move in tune with the sun and the wind. "Stress" is another thing that the gigasi vocabulary seem to lack. One shouldn't confuse their slow pacifist nature with stupidity though. The Gigasi got a knack for scholarly pursuits and Gig's Capital sports a phenomenal university. Likewise, although the stone and wood buildings of the Gig's Capital might seem archaic and backwards, they are actually quite sophisticated, hiding top notch plumbing and electrical networking. Gig simply lack heavy industries and other modern wonders because they live in F:ing trees.
The gigasi' pacifist nature isn't without its drawbacks though. A gigasi is will never ever use force to defend him- or herself, preferring instead to flee. This makes the gigasi quite vulnerable to the beasts that lurk bellow the hometrees.
The League of Humanitarian Swords
The League of Humanitarian Swords was funded only a hundred years ago by score of Heroes with idealistic ideas. These heroes, although from different worlds, were also very much alike in identity. They had all saved their homeworld from a great evil and were now hailed as the hero of their world, but had chosen to leave that behind in order to pursue even more heroics past the nhihn gates. Realizing their mutual interest and the need for a greater organization, these heroes banded together to form the League. The purpose of the League would be simple: To protect and serve the good people of the Mirrorskies by fighting evil and conflict.
To preserve its identity the League only accepts the finest and most honourable of warriors to its folds. Furthermore, to be honoured with the title "knight", one must be a proven Hero, since Heroes are the only ones deemed pure and righteous enough to command the League swords at the face of evil. What then, is a hero? A hero is simply put "one destined for heroics". Heroes are born with that special something that sets them apart from the common man, a special drive of willpower and moral fibre that will urge them into action against what they perceive as "unjust" or "evil". Doing good comes as natural as breathing to a hero. Being a goody-two-shoes isn't all there is to being a hero though. A hero must also have been chosen by destiny to be the hero. Only during times of great need will the hero appear in order to battle with evil. If there's no evil, there will be no destined hero to answer to it, simple as that. While battling evil the chosen hero will be blessed with great fortune and guidance by destiny.
Anyway, the League of Humanitarian Swords consists of veteran heroes. Since heroes are fairly rare though (and even fewer decides to leave their homeworld after the final battle), with time the League has also filled out its ranks with normal soldiers. These perform the everyday duties the units needs to function and acts as the rank-and-file. A normal soldier can also rise in rank and become sergeants and lieutenants and whatnot, but since the title of "knight" raises your actual ranking by two grades its very rare for a "normal" to outrank a hero (in cases of equal rank its still normal for the "ordinary" officer to give the hero the command. You don't argue with heroes, right?). The ranks in League are simple. Recruit, private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and commander. If you are a hero you simple add "knight" in front, for instance Knight Lieutenant Emma von Raufbold (although the "knight" part is usually omitted in daily speak).
Although the knights of the League are no longer guided by destiny to battle the evil of their homeworld they are still quite fearsome fighters. Besides being veteran warriors most of them possess powers associated with light, good, justice and purity. These are vaguely related to the powers usually possessed by the archetypical magical girl. Unlike the Magical Girls though, the knights aren't naive teenagers. They are battleborn war veterans and general hardasses.
Knight Commander: Highest ranking Knight and the leader of the League. TIME hasn't met him yet.
Knight Captain Aron Belton: One of the highest ranking Knights in the League. Acts as commanded of the Gig's Capital detachment. An elf that still got his boyish looks about him and also possess a great sense of self-worth. Took and instinctive dislike to Elias (Elias answered back with the same).
Knight Lieutenant Emma von Raufbold: Belton's second in command. Her pretty blue eyes and cute face hides great experience and intellect. Very young for her rank by normal standards, which is a proof of her competence not only as a hero, but also as a leader. As a person she can be pretty humble once you remove her officer persona.
Knight Sergeant Cynic du Mound: One of the knights at Gig's Capital.
Captain Biggles: - Highest ranking ordinary officer. An expert at logistics.
Timkin Rumbleguts and Regicide Ow-my-spleen - The Those Two Guys of the Shinies. Think Fred Colon (Timkin) and Nobby Nobs (Regicide) only versions who could actually get in to a group of holy heroic do-gooders.
Cameron and the Dragon: - On their quest to become heroes, these two stumbled onto the League and decided to join. Cameron got the rank of private. The dragon is a corporal.
The Society for Cultural Enrichment and Improvement
The Society for Cultural Enrichment and Improvement was designed by Guru Isha Baladeva. A society of equals with related interests, the lords of the society's only wish is improve the world around them. To be specific, they wish to improve their world.
Each one of the society lords are powerful and skilled villains who has tired of being outnumbered by the good guys. By joining forces they hope to finally beat at least the numerical odds, even if this means sharing the post conquest loot. Unfortunately, their individualist natures make cooperating difficult even at the best of days.
The Lords of the Society
Lord "Guru" Isha Baladeva: - Once a genius guru of great renown, Isha Baladeva is said to have been cursed by the gods when he came to close to transcending the divine barrier between human and god. The Curse of the Rakshasa turned Guru Isha Baladeva into a raging beast. Even in his maddened state his guru nature couldn't fully be curbed though, and with time Isha Baladeva mastered his new form. Unfortunately, the experience led Baladeva into finding a new sort of "enlightenment", corrupting him.
Baladeva is the unofficial leader of the Society. Slightly smarter and more ambitious than everyone else, he can usually influence the others to see his way. Besides being a freaking tiger, Guru Isha Baladeva is a master of mind and body, capable of creating illusions at will and also an extremely skilled fighter. He's also dangerously clever and competent.
Baladeva looks like a massive tiger in a bathrobe. He got a sense of refinery and style about him though, and prefers to think before talking.
Lord Jean Starlet: Starlet is the only human in the group. A former master military strategist, Starlet decided to flee her homeworld after the war turned sour because of the appearance of a hero. Cold, cruel and calculating, there's no such thing as a "civilians" in the world of Jean Scarlet. There's only "bait".
Jean Starlet doesn't possess any supernatural powers. She does though possess something as good, if not better. She's competent. She's canny. She's cruel. A strategical genius, Jean Starlet has mastered the art of ambushes and laying traps. She's usually the one that plans things out for the society.
Jean Starlet prefers too much makeup and has bleached her hair white for dramatic effect. Besides that she dresses efficiently and acts the same. She's short and to the point in her manner of speech.
Lord Eskobar: - A self-stylized "master thief" that got chased away from his homeworld after people got tired of him. Born in the gutters, as a kid Eskobar once ate a magical robe of teleportation in a desperate attempt to ward off starvation. Since then he's had the ability to appear anywhere at will, which he decided to use to steal himself a piece of world outside the gutters. Eskobar calls himself a master thief, but truth is that he's pretty incompetent at thievery. Only his relocation abilities have kept him from ever getting captured. He's not very clever to be honest (I mean, he once ate a magical robe. That's not clever). He gets pushed around a lot by the other lords, but this doesn't stop him from coming up bad ideas on his own as well.
Eskobar can produce magical smoke in a wide radius around himself. Anyone or anything who touches the smoke is eligible to be transported to a location of Eskobars choosing within a radius of a few kilometres. The transportation cannot be used to move you into something solid or to sever you into pieces. When you reappear you'll make a funny "poof!" sound and create a small cloud of smoke.
Eskobar is a little yellow panian with two tails and a ridge of horns on his head. He dresses in excessively evil looking clothing, but because of his short stature he usually trips on his fancy cape. He speaks in an informal, kinda simple manner.
Lord Volt Thunderer, the Unstoppable Storm! - The massive mutant known as Volt Thunderer is a true freak of nature. Born from a super soldier program gone horribly wrong, Volt is carnage incarnate. Before joining the Society he cut a path of destruction through the Mirrorsky, destroying everything in his path just for the sake of destruction.
Volt Thunderer is an unstoppable force of destruction. His strength and endurance seem endless, and nothing can dent his tough skin. You can't fight this behemoth of a man head on.
Volt Thunderer is bulging muscle dressed up in fine silks and expensive perfumes. He's extremely narcissistic, and when he isn't crushing the skulls of his opponents he's probably busy admiring his biceps. He got an annoying and flamboyant way of speaking.
Lady Lily: - The only one who prefers to be called "lady" over "lord" is the succubus Lily. She's not a very complicated demonic being. Probably once summoned for whatever stupid reason succubus are summoned, she managed to break free by killing the summoner. Since then she's been preying on the mortals of the Mirrorsky.
Like most succubus, Lily can change her shape to something more pleasing to the eye at a moment's notice. She's also able to suck your soul out to feed on your life's energies, which is quite nasty.
Lily looks like succubus are expected to look. In her "normal" form she got a pair of bat wings poking out of her back and very creepy demonic eyes that reflects the depths of hell. For some strange reason she speaks like a valley girl.
Lord Missive Deedle: - Lord Missive Deedle is a massive beetle creature that makes a living off killing people. His past is shrouded in mystery, and he doesn't speak much about himself. He does quite enjoy the killing of the squishy ones though.
Missive Deedle is a big murder bug. For something so big and murderous he can be very sneaky when he wants to. His appendages are razor sharp, and beneath the scales on his back he hides short wings that he can use to gain quick bursts of speed for the kill. Deedle's species doesn't possess eyes, but in exchange he got excellent olfactory senses, hearing and tremor sense.
Lord Missive Deedle is a big scaly black beetle made out of sharp things. His speech is a mixture of actual words and clicks and buzzing.
Goon Redshirt: - Goon is a sort of telepathic slime creature capable of creating several identical copies of himself. Nobody knows for certain, but rumour has it he's a freak lab accident who grew sentient. Although every copy is individually weak, Goon Redshirt as a whole is still one of the most important members of the society. After all, who's supposed to do the boring menial work if Goon isn't?
Goon Redshirt possess the ability to copy himself indefinitely. Each copy is linked to the greater whole through a psychic link going through an antenna on the top of its head. If the antenna breaks the copy will dissolve, which is the reason Goon wear the faceless helmet. Each copy is individually weak, but when working together the copies can become very troublesome to deal with.
Goon Redshirt's bodies are something of a mystery. Made out of mostly slime, with a single cell at the top of the antenna, he's pretty gross looking beneath the red shirt and helmet. When a copy dies it dissolves into a puddle.
Lord Cyborg Dragon: - ???
Lochan: - The society secretary. Can usually be seen skulking around the society flying fortress on one errand or another. He's a little bald brown man with a funny accent that's usually bossed around by the Lords.