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Biographical Info
- Name Hors
- Sex M
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- Hair
- Eyes
- Skin
- History and Personality
- Description
- Class Thief
- Level 1
- EXP 21
- XP required for next level
- Alignment Neutral
- STR 9
- INT 13
- WIS 9
- DEX 9
- CON 9
- CHR 9
Combat Stats
- AC 7
- HP 3
- Move
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison13
- Magic Wands14
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone13
- Dragon Breath16
- Rod, Staff, or Spell15
Race and Class Abilities
- Open Locks 15%
- Find/Remove Traps 10%
- Pick Pockets 20%
- Move Silently 20%
- Climb 87%
- Hide in Shadows 10%
- Hear Noise 1-2
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 380
- Armor Leather Armor
- Weapons Short Sword
- Gear
- Thieve's Tools
- Two weeks iron rations
- Riding Horse w/saddle and saddle backs
- Large sack
- 2 small sacks
- Lantern
- 8 flasks oil
- tinderbox
- hammer and 12 spikes
- 50' rope
- 2 waterskins
- Riding horse
- saddle and bridle
- 2 saddlebags
- Coins GP10 EP SP CP
- Treasure 1 90 gp gem