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I started playing RPG's with a copy of the red box in 1983. Horror has been my favorite genre for many years, I run a homebrew Dark Conspiracy game every chance I get. SF and Fantasy are no strangers to me.

So far, the only thing I have posted is Attwatta Preziv (see Homebrew Campaign Settings). It's a Gamma World setting and it's very much a work in progress. I have expanded the setting to include a bit on surrounding towns, some regional history, gangs and organizations, a few new mutations, and a list of mutations compiled from other D20 games (Future and Apocalypse). I have added a section for regional rumors as a source for off the cuff adventures. There have been between 20 and 30 non-bot downloads a month for the past few months. I am happy to see people checking it out. I don't expect to update it much in the next few months as holidays are coming up and my time will be tight. Still, do check back every so often as I may surprise you (and myself).

If you want a copy of my supplemental GM only notes in pdf format, email me. Just don't expect a polished store bought adventure, these are my notes. Meaning they are often rough, brief, and sometimes barely coherent rants.

Any questions or comments can be directed to me via email, will dot gbn at gmail dot com.