Lord John Stevens
Lord John Stevens
John Stevens does not know much about his origin, he just knows what his kinsmen have told him. That a huge shiny bird with smoke billowing out of the tail raced across the sky and out of the bird dropped a small box. The box fell and then a white cloth billowed from the box and dropped it slowly down into the dense jungled trees. The kinsmen not knowing what was in the box investigated and found a very young human inside, John Stevens.
The Kinsmen fought and argued over what do to do with the small human inside, and finally one powerful warrior stood up, beat his chest and a female tribe member raced forward and grabbed the small bundle. The female and warrior took off up into the tree tops and into their home the placed the young human.
Through the years the human started to earn his place amongst the tribe members, using his unnatural might to provide better shelter, gather food, and learn about the ways of life in the wild.
One day, young John was off exploring in a very dark deep part of the jungle and fell into a huge hole... almost like the earth had swallowed him up. Looking around he found that he was surrounded by a glowing surface. John sat there and looked about the entire room, it looked like the glowing rock went for miles and miles. Scared John climbed out of the hole using the vegitation that was hanging down and ran as far away as possible.
Curosity finally got the better of John and he went back to the small opening this time bringing a small torch, climbing down slowly into the cave he held the torch out infront of him. The glowing surface shined back the torch light and almost illuminated the entire cave for as far as his eyes could see. Unbeknownst to John, he had just discovered one of the rarest matierals on the face of earth.