- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Seb Class: Fighter Level: 1 (Veteran) Experience Points: 0 (+5%) Total Hit Points: 6 Armor Class: 3 Movement: 30'/Round
Attributes: Strength 14 +1 melee, open doors, damage with thrown weapons Intelligence 10 Wisdom 12 Dexterity 16 +2 missiles, -2 armor class, +1 individual initiative Constitution 11 Charisma 12 maximum of 4 retainers with default 7 morale
Coins (Starting Money: 120 gp): 2 gp -wt 2
Loot: Potion (unknown) - wt 10 Bundle of Arrows - wt 20
Weapons: Sword, 1d8 -wt 60 Spear, 1d6 -wt 30 Dagger, 1d4 (10/20/30) -wt 10 Short Bow, 1d6 (50/100/150) -wt 30 20 arrows 1 silver arrow
Armour: Chainmail -wt 400
Other: Backpack -wt 80 Iron Rations, 1 week Torches, 6 Waterskins, 3 Large Sack
Total Encumbrance: 612
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands