Al Snow

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Aerial Superstar 3, Rough Superstar 3, Technical Superstar 3

Attitude: Neutral; Height & Weight: 6'1", 232 pounds; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 11; Reputation: +3; Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 13 (+1); Endurance: 126; Trauma: 14; Base Attack Bonus: +6; Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8; Will +7; Training Background: Martial Arts

Skills: Balance +13 [Ranks +8, Dex Mod +3, Synergy +2]

Bluff +6 [Ranks +5, Cha Mod +1]

Climb +6 [Ranks +5, Str Mod +1]

Concentration +7 [Ranks +5, Con Mod +2]

Diplomacy +3 [Ranks +0, Cha Mod +1, Synergy +2]

Escape Artist +8 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +3]

Intimidate +3 [Ranks +0, Cha Mod +1, Synergy +2]

Jump +8 [Ranks +5, Str Mod +1, Synergy +2]

Knowledge (Aerial Maneuvers) +8 [Ranks +5, Int Mod +2, Training Background Skill +1]

Knowledge (Technical Maneuvers) +7 [Ranks +5, Int Mod +2]

Perform (Promo) +9 [Ranks +8, Cha Mod +1]

Perform (Vignette) +7 [Ranks +6, Cha Mod +1]

Sleight of Hand +5 [Ranks +0, Dex Mod +3, Synergy +2]

Speak Language (Japanese)

Spot +7 [Ranks +7, Wis Mod +0]

Treat Injury +5 [Ranks +5, Wis Mod +0]

Tumble +11 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +3, Synergy +2, Training Background Skill +1]

Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Extra Finisher (Snowplow), Martial Arts Weapons Proficiency, Moveset, Opportunist, Power Maneuvers Proficiency, Rough Maneuvers Proficiency, Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Signature Move (Snowplex), Spectacular Entrance, Tag Team Spec., Technical Maneuvers Proficiency

Talents: 10000 Holds, Educated Feet, Hardcore, Ring Tactician, Space Mountain, Trigger Reflexes

Moveset: Asai Moonsault (aerial maneuver, 2d8 damage, knockdown check, prone self, possible stun, possible stun on self, Moveset bonus, -2 on maneuver check)

Sit-Out Spinebuster (power maneuver, 1d6 damage, immediate pin attempt, requires lift check, Moveset bonus, -1 on maneuver check)

Trapping Headbutts (rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, possible stun, 1 Endurance cost, Moveset bonus, -2 on maneuver check)

Signature Move: Snowplex [Wheelbarrow Suplex] (power maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, prone self, Signature Move bonus, +2 on maneuver check 2/show)

Finishing Maneuvers: Moonsault (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, immediate pin attempt, prone self, prone target, possible stun on self is missed, +0 on maneuver check)

Snowplow [Scoop Brainbuster] (power/technical maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, -3 on maneuver check)

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