D'Lo Brown
Aerial Superstar 3, Technical Superstar 4
Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 6’3”, 264 pounds; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 12; Reputation: +2; Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2); Endurance: 97; Trauma: 13; Base Attack Bonus: +6; Saves: Fort +3, Ref +8; Will +6; Training Background: Mat Wrestling
Skills: Balance +7 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +2]
Bluff +5 [Ranks +3, Cha Mod +2]
Concentration +3 [Ranks +2, Con Mod +1]
Jump +7 [Ranks +5, Str Mod +2]
Perform (Promo) +7 [Ranks +4, Cha Mod +2, Training Background Skill +1]
Perform (Vignette) +6 [Ranks +4, Cha Mod +2]
Sleight of Hand +6 [Ranks +4, Dex Mod +2]
Spot +7 [Ranks +6, Wis Mod +1]
Treat Injury +7 [Ranks +5, Wis Mod +1, Training Background Skill +1]
Tumble +8 [Ranks +2, Dex Mod +2, Synergy +2]
Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Extra Finisher (Sky High), Lightning Reflexes, Moveset, Power Maneuvers Proficiency, Signature Move (Shaky Shaky Legdrop), Signature Move (Shining Impact), Signature Move (Sudden Impact), Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Tag Team Spec., Technical Maneuvers Proficiency, Vigor
Talents: 10000 Holds, Educated Feet, Frequent Flyer, Mat Technician
Moveset: Jumping Calf Kick (aerial maneuver, 1d6 damage, +2 stagger, knockdown check, possible stun if missed, 1 Endurance cost, Moveset bonus, +1 on maneuver modifier)
Running Sitout Powerbomb (power/rough maneuver, 3d6 damage, requires lift check, 2 Endurance cost, immediate pin attempt, Moveset bonus, -1 on maneuver check)
Signature Move: Shaky Shaky Leg Drop (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, prone target, prone self, possible stun, possible stun on self if missed, Signature Move bonus, +1 on maneuver check, 2/show)
Shining Impact [Shining Wizard chest kick] (aerial/rough maneuver, 1d6 damage, knockdown check, 1 Endurance cost, Signature Move bonus, +2 on maneuver check, 2/show)
Sudden Impact [Swinging Side Slam] (power maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, immediate pin attempt, Signature Move bonus, -2 on maneuver check, 2/show)
Finishing Maneuver: Lo Down [Frog Splash] (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, prone target, prone self, immediate pin attempt, 1 Endurance cost, +0 on maneuver check) [Note: If he’s using his chest protector, the move does 2d8 damage, -1 on maneuver check.]
Sky High [Spinning Sitout Spinebuster] (power maneuver, 2d6 damage, immediate pin attempt, requires lift check, 2 Endurance cost, -2 on maneuver check)
Other Maneuvers: Texas Cloverleaf (technical maneuver: 2d6 damage, prone target, submission, -2 on maneuver check)