The Virgin Expanse Opertum
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The Opertum Dynasty.
Donatus Opertum is the grandson of the man who had originally been given the family warrant, cardinal Pius Opertum, who was a senior member of the Adeptus Ministorum and one of the main contenders for the succession for the office of Ecclesiarch. Pius was outmaneuvered at the last turn and to prevent him from causing trouble he was given a warrant of trade and an old ship. He was a better cleric than a trader and barely managed to make some money. He however did manage to turn his vessel into a floating cathedral and the only planet that he discovered became well versed in their devotion to their Emperor.
Two centuries later it was Donatus who gained the warrant. He is utterly devoted to the Emperor but has more sense of realism and trade than his forefathers. He knows that he needs more resources to convert the heathens. He has ensured that the people in positions of responsibility are more than devoted, he also looks for other capacities.
Glory 1600+5d20
Glory this Session
Personal Data
Age: Adult
Homeland: Calaxis Sector
Culture: (Sub-sector or planet type)
Religion: Imperial Cult
Current Class: Rogue Trader
Current Home: (flagship)
11 | 14 | 12 | 13 | 17 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
4d6 | 3 | 3 | 24 | 6 |
Distinquishing Features
- Chaste 13/7Lustful
- Energetic 10/10 Lazy
- Forgiving 7/13 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 13/7 Deceitful
- Just 16/4 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 7/13 Proud
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 10/10 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 7/13 Suspicious
- Valorous 13/7 Cowardly
- Chivalry: 66, No
- Religious: No, (+3HP, +2 Damage)
Directed Traits
- Loyalty (Imperium) 15
- Loyalty (Dynasty) 15
- Love (family) 15
- Hospitality 15
- Honor 15
- Hate (Heretics) 10
- Love (wife) 13
Non-Combat Skills
- Acrobatics 0
- Athletics 5
- Awareness 3
- Barter/Commerce/Gamble 10
- Carouse 3
- Common Lore(Imperium) 8
- Common Lore(Rogue Traders) 5
- Common Lore 2
- Contortionist 1
- Charm 10
- Dancing 8
- Decieve 10
- Demolotion 0
- Disguise 5
- Flirting 8
- Forbidden Lore(xenos) 3
- First Aid 5
- Inquiry 5
- Intimidate 5
- Hunting 5
- High Gothic 10
- Low Gothic 8
- Trader's Cant 5
- Ecclesiarchy 5
- Logic 5
- Medicae 0
- Navigate 5
- Orate 13
- Perform 3
- Romance 8
- Scholastic Lore(Imperial Creed) 5
- Scrutiny 10
- Search 3
- Security 0
- Sneak 3
- Sleight of Hand 0
- Survival 0
- Tech-Use 3
- Trader 3
- Wrangling 3
Combat Skills
- Battle 10
- Siege 5
- Captain 17
- Drive 2
- Flyer 0
- Voidship 16
- Ride 0
- Sword 10
- Axe 3
- Hammer 3
- Spear 2
- Thrown 3
- Brawl 5
- Pistol 10
- Assault 5
- Rifle 0
- Support 0
- Heavy 0
- Artillery 0
- Gunnery 5
Arms and Armor
Wealth: 15
- Raider
- modified Jovian pattern Drive
Family Characteristic: Orate +5
- Chryseis Opertum: Donatus’ wife, born on a death World and in command of the Household guard. She has given him one child, his dear daughter Aurelilla who remains a child. Also overall commander of the ground forces, heavily scarred by her many battles.
- Aurelilla, the eight years old daughter of the Rogue Trader, very intelligent but she remains quite useless due to her age, the heir should Donatus die.
- Nero, Donatus’ younger brother and fighter pilot, a dilettante without much sense of responsibility.
- Claudia, the younger sister who has been placed in command of the gun batteries.
- Thamydes, brother of Chryseis, brave warrior and in command of an elite company.
- Fylemon, brother of Chryseis, commander of the other elite company.
- Enginarium master
- Chief communications officer
- Flight Commander
- Shipmaster
- Chief provisions officer
- Drusus, cousin, great swordsmen, otherwise useless, an alcoholic. He is only being kept on for his skill and because he is a relative.
- Publius, another brother and confessor.
- 4 other clergymen
- astropath
- Magos Grundh, an expert in the field of plasma technology, travelling to find rare specimens.
- Navigator
- Magos Dion, overly innovative near-heretek, hates Grundh.