Sir Rhun de Wylye
Heraldry and Pictures
Personal Data
- Name: Sir Rhun de Wylye
- Age: 21
- Year of Birth: 466 A.D.
- Son Number: 1
- Homeland: Salisbury
- Culture: Cymric
- Religion: British Christian
- Father: Sir Hywel
- Father's Class: Vassal Knight
- Lord: Earl Roderick of Salisbury
- Current Class: Vassal Knight
- Current Home: Wylye
- ----- Equipment -----
- Chainmail Armor (Armor-10), Open Helmet
- Kite Shield (Armor-6) with Coat of arms painted on it.
- Sword, 5 Spear, Dagger
- 1 Chestnut colored strong Charger(7d6 dam) 1 Charger, 2 Rouncy, 1 Sumpter
- ----- Squire -----
- ??? (Age-15)
- Squire - 15
- Cuirbouilli armor and open helm (8 points), Kite Shield (6), Sword, spear, dagger
- Starting Glory - 1172
- Size 16
- Dexterity 10
- Strength 17
- Constitution 15
- Appearance 10
- Dammage 6d6
- Heal 3
- Hit Points 31
- Knockdown 16
- Major Wound 15
- Move 3
- Unconscious 8
Distinctive Feature - Unknown yet
Passion and Traits
- Chaste 13/7 Lustful
- Energetic 15/5 Lazy
- Forgiving 10/10 Vengeful
- Generous 13/7 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 13/7 Pround
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 10/10 Reckless
- Temperate 13/7 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
- ----
- Distinctive Trait - Suspicious of Silchester (+6)
- -----
- Loyalty (Earl Roderick) 15
- Love (Family) 15
- Hospitality 15
- Honor 15
- Concern (My Peasants) 7.
- Hate Saxons 20 (From family history)