Nyar Sigma-11

Nyar Sigma-11, sub-minister of Pathetic Servility, 14th subsoul of Noi
Theme Song: "New Slang" by the Shins
Nyar accompanies Kaneko everywhere she goes, acting as both a maidservant and, at times, a nanny. Nyar is technically a second circle Deva, but a very lesser one: this fragment of Autochthon embodies the Great Maker's humility and subservience.
- Nyar may not injure Kaneko or, through inaction, allow Kaneko to come to harm.
- Nyar must obey the orders given to it by Kaneko (and Roar), except where such orders would conflict with the First Order.
- Nyar must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second orders.
Nyar even accompanies Kaneko on space voyages; Kaneko's fighter, the Pink Perfect, was custom designed to allow the ex machina to integrate with its workings, acting as an artificial intelligence.