Ruairih McNel
- Ruairih McNel
- Human Druid
- Level 1
- Experience: 0
- AL: N
- AC: 6/7 (w/wo shield)
- HP: 10
- Spells per day 2 + 2
- Spells: Shillelagh, Entangle, Speak with animals, Faerie Fire
- Move 90 ft
Attribute | |||||
Strength 16 | To Hit: +1 | Damage: +2 | Enc: | Minor Test: | Major Test: |
Dexterity 13 | Surprise: 0 | Missile: 0 | AC: -1 | ||
Constitution 16 | HP: +2 | Ress: | SysShk: | ||
Intelligence 15 | Languages 4 | spell% | |||
Wisdom 18 | MentST: +4 | bonus spells 2/2/1/1 | |||
Charisma 16 | Hench: 8 | Loy: +20% | RB: +25 |
Social class - Upper Middle - family are druids.Secondary skill - Forester. Family - 4th child, married. Money 110gp. Age 22.
Current money 8gp, 5sp, 9cp
- Weapons
- Club
- Sling
Encumbrance: 69.9 lbs
Equipment | Weight | Cost | Located |
Club | 3 | 2cp | carried |
Dagger | 1 | 2cp | belt |
Sling | 3 | 2cp | belt pouch |
12 Sling bullets | 0.5 | 1gp | belt pouch |
Leather Armour | 15 | 5gp | worn |
Wooden medium shield | 8 | 12gp | carried |
Backpack | 10 | 2gp | worn |
Large belt pouch | 2 | 4sp | worn |
Horse, Rouncey | - | 25gp | - |
Saddle and stirrups | 20 | 10gp | horse |
Reins and bridle | 5 | 2gp | horse |
2 large sacks | 2 | 30cp | horse |
10 Candles | - | 10cp | belt pouch |
5 Fish hooks | - | 5sp | backpack |
Flint & Steel | - | 1gp | belt pouch |
Bullseye lantern | 3 | 12gp | backpack |
3 pints oil | 3 | 3sp | 1 pint carried, 2 saddle bags |
Linen robe | 1 | 3gp | horse |
Needle and thread | - | 3cp | belt pouch |
50 ft silk rope | 5 | 10gp | carried |
Waterskin | 1 | 1gp | carried |
5 days standard rations | 10 | 10gp | saddle bags |
2 days trail rations | 2 | 12gp | backpack |
Iron Pot | 10 | 5sp | saddle bags |