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MAY 1929
- 05/07/1929
- Return from research trip to Ithaca, New York. Arrive New Haven Estate, Indiana 8 pm
- 05/08/1929
- Discussions with Carl Ellis regarding results of research trip. Complete translation of the "Veil" document. Look in on Loren Eveling.
- 05/09/1929
- Leave New Haven for Boston, MA 6:30 am
- 05/11/1929
- Arrive Boston, MA 3:30 pm. Call Juila in New York. Julia arrives from New York 9 pm.
- 05/12/1929
- Time with Julia in Boston
- 05/13/1929
- Time with Julia in Boston
- 05/14/1929
- Call to Whispers Estate in France to request any research materials on early witchcraft trials. Anticipated arrival of materials May 23.
- 05/15/1929
- Trip to Salem for research into witch trials.
- 05/16/1929
- Return to Boston for further research into witch trials. Trip to Harvard turns up copies of diaries by Cotton Mather. Details of traditional witch sabbats, devil marks, evil powers attributed to witches.
Call Lamont Coleman to set up appointment to meet on the 17th to discuss witch cults.
- 05/17/1929
- Meet with Lamont Coleman to discuss and review any information available on witchcraft trials or witch cults. Lamont suggests Providence and New York Historical Societies as further sources.
- Trip to Providence, RI. Providence Historical Society turns up fragment of an obscure report by an unknown author describing a raid on the farm of Josephus Curwen, accused of dealings with the devil.
- 05/18/1929
- Travel from Providence to New York to have lunch with Julia and pursue further research. Research in New York turns up the name of William Stroughton who was executed for witchcraft and buried outside of New York. Further research indicates that the graves were moved to a different location when the road was widened in 1853.