Clive's Bar

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Clive's Bar

UPP: E0003125

Trade: Asteroid, Low Population, Non Industrial

Clive's Bar is in the midst of an asteroid field worked by several thousand wandering hard-case freelance Belters. They are an ornery lot and regularly meet up at the eponymous bar for rest, recreation and a brawl. Clive Lam, the bar owner and unofficial mayor of the system is a genuine former member of the French Legion Extraplanetaire, a bunch of notorious thugs who took over where the Earth bound French Foreign Legion left off. He tolerates a lot of brutal goings on in his bar cum spacestation, but when Petit Clive, his autoshotgun, comes out from under the bar, you leave, fast.

Good place for buying ore, tall tales, smugglers, chartering daredevil pilots and their leaky starships, and getting chucked out of an airlock without a spacesuit ('A little dance with Clive' in the local parlance).

Now has some big corporate operators trying to move in with refinery ships, the locals are tooling up to kick them out.


No actual natives, any Drifter: Scavenger with Streetwise 1+ and a spare Contact can declare themselves to have put some time in mining the Clive's Bar system and be part of the local Belter Brotherhood.