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Conquerors Overview

Conquerors is a fantasy tabletop rpg being developed by a lone indie developer. it is not far into that stages of creation, and little has been done in the way of playtesting. The developer is working on one large campain and several smaller ones, with a random enemy /armour/weapon generator being worked on for those who need quantity over quality. The outstanding feature of this game is the D2 system which is being worked upon. it involves several core stats with a few planned additions, which are ready to be released but the large campain already half - done needs implentation

Core Stats

The game's core stats are as follows: (note: this is a short extract from the beta rulebook) HP

HP (health points, Health, stam, stamina) The player loses every time they take damage. If it reaches zero they die. HP is lost when a player takes damage. for this to happen, they must first pass a series of tests to determine how much a particular attack might take from their hp level.


Attacks (ATT, hits, Speed) Attacking speed. Higher attacks = faster hits = more damage


Strength (STR, Power, Damage per hit) Strength; For every three strength the character does one more damage per attack but has 1 less attack: STR 1 damage 1 STR 3 damage 2 STR 6 damage 3 STR 9 damage 4 Etc...


TP (Turn points, Mana, MP, Spell Points) Tp represent how much magic can be done per turn. You can use it to block, or to cast spells, or use some other abilities. note that 'TP' is liable to change to a more conventional name and is used for ease of recognition while the project is underway


Changelog of the game from its website (The website is down atm. Don't know when it will get back up, needs funding if it were to be hosted properly. some of the latest info is from fb and other sources, such as a recent update to his article on another tabletop games site)

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 6b: Working on a monster log system to help with cataloging various monsters. some more work to the monsters in the temporarily named 'dragon area' has been done and it is near to completion for their stats. once thats done, the only tasks remaining is to enter a description for each monster and figure out what loot each should drop.

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 6a: Work on random monster generator is complete! while it doesn't give a name for creative purposes, it generates a standard entry with all stats and standard rules. it is reccomended that users use creativity coupled with this, else it makes for very boring mosters with no loot, name, description, or real 'feel' to them!

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 5a: More work on random generators, have made a cobbled together armour generator but it makes some strange values occasionly. has options to set varition, level, and number of equipment made. the errors take the form of me not having put in all the values for the armour so for example a hauberk can add strength and attacks :) you can guess that i copied most of the code from the weapons generator from last week

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 4a: Working on random generators for the game, the only good example I have is the weapons generator. I will release these sometime in the future when all of them are done and tidied. they are made in ms excel from sudo-functions coded in vba and some other stuff too so ignore any macro warnigns that come with them.

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 3a: More work on the 'dragon area'. will accept names suggestions on the fb page. most of the enemies are firey inhabitants, with a boulder- strewn landscape with sheer walls of mountins almost surrounding the sahllow basin. alot of goblins come from the east to extract minerals from the boulders, and a dwarven fort lies in the south against a mighty peak. Rouges who made their home here ambush travellers from time to time, named the wildmen for now.

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 2c: In a busy week i have finished Kinesis Narrul. the windswept ice has been completed, now jam packed with recipies for those who like to craft and make things. in a new mechanic, the humanoid enemies have a small chance to be carriying a recipie, that can only be used once. I can't actually think of a reason for this to be, but its neccasary for balance: in a little playtest with a freind we realised that you can rip up enemies if you use the fir damage enchantment over and over again. there are also other things such as ancient relics hidden in the crafing, with multiple devices required to make the. one such example is the Necromancer’s Touch (gloves) Requires Leatherworking level 9

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 2b: Work on the kinesis narrul dungeon is done. email me at for a copy of the rules if you want them. Sorry about the site going down, i couldnt keep it up due to lack of money. :( atleast now you can battle against the evils of those ghastly gartoggs in these freezing hallways hewn straight from the icy stone.

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 2a: Started work on a new area named 'dragon area' for now. Only a temporary name, but it has over 50 snarling, leaping, biting monsters for you to pit your characters against. promise a release at some point, but for now i am just doing a little concept lore and monster names and stuff that makes the world a little bit more deep and immersive. Almost done on the kinesis narrul dungeon, I excpet to be done later in the week.

Ver Alpha 2.0 week 1a: Started work on a new area: Kinesis Narrul. it is a bitterly cold windswept pain, frought with caribou and mooses(moose?, mooses? what is the plural of 'moose'?)and as such many hunters can be found making a profit from the icy area. Don't walk right in though, as the cold will hurt your players over time, freezing them if they dont wrap up suitably warm. I also finaly added a threat rule to make 'tanking' harder as it seemed quite suitable to give ALL armour to the tank, all the buffs and healing, and then your party would be pretty much invincible.

Ver Alpha 1.9: week 12b: I am very nearly done with junrel; The campain's longest quest chain is done. I almost can't belive how much playing time it takes to complete it, but the reward is worth the time. me and a freind playtested through it with another friend as the gm (i know i shouldnt do that: i will know whats coming, but i want to play too :( i did do it though) and we gave up after about 2 hours straight of killing enemies to get the items for ONE of the quests. one! at least this game is faster paced than DnD. Imagine farming for over 100 items that have a 25% drop chance in that. I know its bad design for it to take so long, and it does need tweaking. however, the reward is worth the time. I will stay hush-hush, as thats for your GM to see and for you to find out!

I could have added more of the changelog, but it is hideously long for a wiki article, and very boring.

If you wish to contact dev or get rules, mailto for his email. He's a nice guy, and will be happy to answer any questions or complaints. i will add links to the fb page and the forum post shortly.