A Fistful Of Cowries
This is the wiki page for A Fistful of Cowries, an Exalted game run by the almighty Silent Wayfarer.
The recruitment thread is here. The IC thread is here. The OOC thread is here.
- Victoria, Dawn Caste, played by Gloom
- Ali, Zenith Caste, played by GaoGaiGar
- Azura, Twilight Caste, played by Aliexster
- Makani, Night Caste, played by MarianLH
- Red Rakhel/Ryan/Whatever, Eclipse Caste, played by Unka Josh
- Luka, Full Moon Caste, played by Delacroix
Allied NPCs
- Victoria's Boys
- The Scalpers
- The Tya Girls
- The Rest
- Quinn
- Catua
- Nijeni
- Moche
- Cowries Makashi
Other NPCs
- The Sea Lord
- Lady Arabella
- Jacen
- Sirocco
- Taran
- Xiphe
- Tomlen
- Captain Sharkrider