Dungeon Sweepers!:Raven
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 11 (+0)
Cha 12 (+1)
HP: 15
Anima: 5
Init: +4
Move: 9
Melee: +1
Range: +4
Magic: +0
AD: +6
ED: +4
MD: +1
RD: +0
- Leather Armour (5gp)
- Throwing Daggers x5 (5gp)
- Arrows (1gp)
- Lockpick (2gp)
- Shortsword (2gp)
- Thievery
- Stealth
- Shadowing
- Acrobatics
- Deception
- Trap detection/Disarming
Raven as she styles herself now is not the first to wear that name nor the mask that goes with it, in fact for as long as anyone can remember the legend of the thief Raven has endured, as fast as the wind, as subtle as shadow and uncatchable as smoke or so the story goes and the current raven intends to succede at living up to the legend. Despite the weight of supporting the legend. Maria (her public name, when not in the Raven persona) runs an orphanage from the procedes of her other activites, all the while keeping an eye out for the next to wear the mantle of the Raven.
Although she is sure enough of her own skills to believe that will not be for some time.
Duty: Will go to any lengths to protect her charges, who she views as younger siblings
Revenge: Doesn't view revenge generally as a valid goal, altough if one of her charges were hurt...
Punishment: Believes that crime should be punished so that they will not hurt others again
Trust: Raven is slow to trust, but will do much for the few that has earned her trust
Lying: Raven will lie to achieve her goals
Stealing: Raven sees nothing wrong from stealing from the Rich or Criminals
Cheating: Raven sees little wrong in stacking the deck in her favor when possible
Killing: Would not kill unless in defence of her own life, or that of her charges
Authority: Distrusts Authority seeing it as too often self serving
Class: Prefers her own class (mid-low), distrustful of the upperclass seeing them as often lazy and selfserving.
Honor: Sticks closely to her own code of honor. To deal fairly with those that deserve it, never steal from the needy.
Races: Sees all races as equal
Raven is very proud of her skills and not afraid to share it
Raven is kind, although envious of the wealthy
Raven likes to live well when she can
Raven is chaste as she spends much of her time caring for her charges
Raven is forgiving unless her charges are harmed
Raven is very charitable
Raven is very diligent and works hard both lawfully and unlawfully to provide for her charges
Recent Raven has been troubled as her creditors have indicated that they intend to close her accounts and take the Orphange away from her, unless she comes up with the money soon.