The Emperors Beneficence
Ship Description
Hull: Monitor-Cruiser
Class: Lathe-class
Dimensions: 4.2 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 20.9 megatonnes, approx.
Crew: 35,000 crew, 25,000 servitors approx.
Accel: 6 gravities max sustainable acceleration
The Adeptus Mechanicus, being an entity that exists more alongside than as a part of the Imperium, maintains its own armies and warships. These fight alongside the Imperial Guard and Navy in times of war, but as many Magos are quick to point out, they do so as allies, not vassals.
The primary role of the Mechanicus fleets are exploration, not combat, however. Explorator fleets traverse the galaxy, looking for lost archeotech and ancient relics of the Dark Age of Technology. The Lathe class monitor-cruiser is a perfect example of the ships the Explorators utilize in their fleets.
The design for the Lathe-class was uncovered in the deep data-vaults of Het in the Lathe system during the Angevin Crusade, and in the centuries since the crusade ended, the Lathe shipyards have diligently constructed multiple ships.
The design differs from many light cruisers, with an emphasis on long-ranged detection and endurance rather than speed and maneuverability. Outfitted correctly, a Lathe-class can operate without refit and resupply for decades.
Ship Statistics
Name: Emperor's Beneficence
Class: Lathe-class Monitor-Cruiser
Hull Integrity: 66/66
Crew Population: 100/100
Crew Morale: 101/101
Space: 60/60
Power: 60/55
Speed: 4
Maneuvering: +9
Detection: +15
Armour: 20
Turret Rating: 1
Achievement Bonuses: Trade + 60; Military +150
Skill Test Modifiers
Tech-Use Repair Ship/Emergency Repairs +10
Extended Repairs +10
Restore HI Acq Test +10
Command/Hit and Run or Boarding Actions +20
Identify, analyze and repair non-standard tech +20
Craft single items +20
Medicae +20
Essential Components
Engine: Jovian Class 3 Drive
Warp Drive: Strelov 2
Geller Field: Geller Field
Void Shields: Repulsor Single Void Shield
Bridge: Combat Bridge
Life Sustainer: Vitae-Pattern Life Sustainer
Crew Quarters: Voidsmen Quarters
Augur Array: M-100b
Prow: Hecutor Pattern Plasma Battery [Strength:3, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating:4, Range: 11]
Port: Mars-pattern Macrocannon Broadside [Strength: 6, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 5, Range: 6]
Starboard: Mars-Pattern Macrocannon Broadside [Strength: 6, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 5, Range: 6]
Supplementary Components:
Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay - Good Quality
Medicae Deck - Good Quality
Lux Net
Drop Pod Launch Bays
Complications / Past Histories
Resolute, Xenophilous
Ship Upgrades:
Common-Quality Resolution Arena (+3 to Morale)
Common-Quality Cherubim Aeries