X-Men Unnatural Selection: Sandy Stone
Sandy Stone
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10
Unspoken Past
"I want to learn before deciding."
Power Sets
Rock-Solid Figure
Superhuman Durability d10
Superhuman Strength d10
Superhuman Stamina d10
SFX: Tenacious (Before you make an action including a Rock-Solid Figure power, you may move your physical stress die to the doom pool and step up the Rock-Solid Figure power by +1 for this action.)
SFX: Immunity (Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma or complications caused by poison, disease or aging.)
Limit: Mutant (Earn 1 pp when affected by mutant-specific Milestones or tech)
Limit: Exhausted (Shutdown any Rock-Solid Figure power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.)
Geokinetic Control
Earth Blasts d10
Elemental Mastery: Earth d10
SFX: Area Attack (Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.)
SFX: Dangerous (Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back highest die in pool by -1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1)
SFX: Trap (Add a d6 and step up the effect die by +1 when inflicting a earth-based complication on a target)
Limit: Mutant (Earn 1 pp when affected by mutant-specific Milestones or tech)
Limit: Conscious Activation (If stressed out, asleep or unconscious, shutdown Geokinetic Control. Recover Geokinetic Control when stress is recovered or you awake. If Emotional Trauma is taken, shutdown Lord of the Earth until trauma is recovered.)
Combat Expert d8
Menace Expert d8
Psych Expert d8
Tidbits of the Past
1 xp when you declare someone to be an old ally or an old foe.
3 xp when you aid your old ally in a buddy situation or deal trauma to your old foe.
10 xp when you declare your old ally is now enemy or vice versa.
Fast Times and Love
1 xp when you flirt with a non-heroic Watcher character.
3 xp when your heroic activities put your chosen character in danger, or your commitment to your chosen character puts your team in danger.
10 xp when your involvement with your chosen character changes them irreversibly or you break off your relationship with your chosen character to protect them.
Background: Sandy Stone, though amusingly named, does not take witticisms about it well. Reasonably gregarious, though sometimes displaying an imperious manner, his past is unknown to most, and the student doesn't talk about it much. It is known that he was traveling the world, homeless, when the X-Men tracked him down at Xavier's request as part as finding young mutants in need.
He seems highly interesting in studying the world, and has been well acquainted with many of the adoring girls on campus.