The Rook - Cry Havoc/Trevor Mackenzie
Trevor Mackenzie
High Concept: Gravitationally-Enhanced Thug
Trouble: The Man I Was
Refresh: 2
Great- Physique
Good- Fighting, Notice
Fair- Shooting, Athletics, Will
Average- Contacts, Resources, Empathy, Lore
Lie Whisperer- Free (Starting stunt)
Weight Manipulation- 2 Refresh
+2 Shifts of damage when wielding an object with Fighting
+2 Physique for the purposes of lifting and carrying
Gravity Spiking- 1 Refresh
May use Shooting to push/launch objects from current zone to an adjacent one
Trevor Mackenzie doesn't remember his life before being a Barghest. He has what seems to be a generic American accent and education. He has excellent command over his ability. His skills are honed to a razor's edge. His memories are a cypher, leaving no impression of where, or who, he has been. People have been inside his head, and the best description one mind-reader gave was that his memory was like an emptied glass: a faint residue that gives a hint of the flavor that was there but actually conveys little about it's former contents. They tell him that he went to a quiet little school that the Chequy use for problem children. They tell him that he's been a loyal and not particularly noteworthy Pawn. They tell him that there was an accident three years ago that damaged his memory and that the rest of his team was killed. They also tell him to let them know the minute that he starts to remember anything. Their expression when they give him that last line inspires him to keep his mouth closed about anything that has to do with his memories at his monthly psych eval. The fact that he's never met anyone who's heard of him before three years ago just makes his paranoia run even more rampant.
First Adventure
After having spent the last two years being run through a battery of psych tests and combat drills (and entirely unsure what the point of identifying Rorschach blots while pinned by 3 heavy machinguns was in service of), Trevor was finally cleared for active duty assignments. Before he could be assigned to a team, however, he was tasked with clearing out a small cult that had taken root in a sleepy little town and that this was to be considered a test of his resourcefulness. As he killed the last cultist, the young man choked out a cryptic warning that he was just being used by his new masters as a gurgling noise.
Aspect- Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean... (Trevor's only a few years old and been in the hands of a shadowy conspiracy that entire time. He tends to suffer from a constant feeling that nothing is what it seems. In his line of work that can be a survival trait, but he also tends to concoct strange conspiracies working against him that might or might not actually exist.)
Guest Stars In
Leon Harper- When you read Leon's forward to the casefile for his last assignment before being "promoted" to agent, all it says is "I swear, none of my other cases were like this" It was a simple assignment. Go to the house, convince the parents, get the Kid to the Estate. The first two parts went easy enough, but the third part was were problems sprang up. When Leon found out that they was being followed, it lead to problems. In this case, "problems" means "a high speed car chase, followed by an on-foot chase through London, culminating with an explosion in subway tunnel that was under construction". Thankfully Leon got the the kid to The Estate, but he's still wondering why they were being chased by those Mystery Men
Trevor's the one responsible for the explosion in the subway as the group of, for lack of better terms, hellbeasts that were hunting him caused his path to cross with Leon's in the tunnel. He agreed to remain behind and try to distract both groups while Leon got his charge to safety, culminating in him detonating some Tovex in the midst of both groups of antagonists as they tried to kill each other.
Aspect- Peace Through Superior Firepower (Trevor tends to be a little over-enthusiastic about defeating his foes and tends towards collateral damage. How this is drawback when surrounded by subtle and smooth operators should be obvious. I am tempted to name my aspect "The Sound of Forgiveness" after one of my favorite lines in Llamas with Hats, but that's probably a) too bleak and b) too referential.)
Gabriel- Due to misinformation, was sent with only one other asset, [REDACTED] (Aiden Livingston) to deal with a situation that had developed at the Imperial College, working undercover as students for a time length of [REDACTED] months. * Threat level of situation and its projected course of action proved far more extensive as [REDACTED] was the source behind the situation. Event was a play by [REDACTED] in order to [REDACTED]. According to protocols, organization took the measures of [REDACTED]. Agents were advised to abort mission, and terminate specific assets that had become liabilities. Agent Livingston became compromised in the line of duty. Queen's orders were to terminate liabilities at all costs. Agent Hale was able to subdue and neutralize the threats, allegedly with the assistance of Livingston. Livingston lost in procedure. Loss deemed acceptable. Livingston's body not recovered. Presumed dead [REDACTED]. Agent Hale performed well with the exception of * Has recently been cleared for active duty again after psych evaluations. Exercise caution as subject may be emotionally volatile.
- Note: Surveillance reveals that the two agents grew... 'close'. Be advised this is highly against protocol during mission.
Due to orders by [REDACTED], Pawn Mackenzie sent to sanitize operation in the Imperial College. While there, he came into contact with [REDACTED] (Gabriel Hale) and made an independent judgement that that asset was still viable for use by [REDACTED]. Pawn Mackenzie's unorthodox tactics in [REDACTED] proceeded to give (Agent Hale) the operational freedom to accomplish his assigned objectives.
Aspect- Loyalty on the Line (Trevor doesn't really trust what comes down the pipeline from his ostensible superiors, putting his faith in the folks stuck in the mud with him. His fellows Pawns get his support, sometimes almost unconditionally. Aspect inspired by the idea of Pawn Islands and Pawn Chains being foundational parts of pawn tactics.)