The Abomination is really Emil Blonski, a communist spy that became a sort of evil version of the incredible Hulk after exposing himself to a higher dosis of gamma radiation than Bruce Banner. Unlike the Hulk he is forever trapped in his monstruous form, but as a plus he retains his intelligence (and spy training). He is one of the Hulk's main enemies but occasionaly crashed with other powerful Marvel heroes such as Thor and the Silver Surfer.
Abomination, PL 14
Str 50/12 (+20), Dex 12 (+1), Con 50/14 (+20), Int 12 (+1), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Skills: Bluff 4 (+5), Climb 0 (+16), Disable Device 4 (+5), Drive 3 (+4), Gather Information 4 (+5), Intimidate 6 (+9), Investigate 2 (+3), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 2 (+3), Languages (Croatian, English, Russian), Notice 4 (+5), Pilot 3 (+4), Profession (spy) 5 (+6), Search 4 (+5), Sense Motive 3 (+4), Stealth 6 (+3)
Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Connected, Diehard, Endurance, Fearsome Presence 6, Improved Block, Improved Initiative, Startle, Power Attack, Takedown Attack
- Enhanced Constitution 32
- Enhanced Strength 30
- Growth 4 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent)
- Immunity 18 (Cold Damage, Disease, Fatigue Effects, Fire Damage, Pressure, Radiation)
- Impervious Toughness 12
- Leaping 8
- Super-Strength 9 (Heavy Load: 12.5 ktons, Power Feat: Groundstrike)
Combat: Attack +5 (+8 melee), Grapple +41, Damage +20 (unarmed), Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -20, Initiative +5
Saves: Toughness +20 (+12 Impervious), Fortitude +20, Reflex +3, Will +4
Drawbacks: Less Wealth (-8 on Wealth Checks, -2)
Abilities 17 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 131 + Combat 30 + Saves 5 - Drawbacks 2 = Total 213
He is a pretty basic (and a pretty powerful) Powerhouse, with a set of spy skills added on. He is a match for the Hulk until the Hulk gets angry and surpasses his might. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe mentions his ability to survive extreme hostile conditions (such as vacuum) by entering a protective comma, but I think this is better simulated through plot devices to bring him back after a defeat.