Gunstar Temujin

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Gunstar Autochthonia: Raiton Wing


Callsign: Thunderball


Caste: Night
Anima Banner:Spend 1E to prevent the spending of further Essence from stepping up your Anima Banner for the rest of the scene. While active, step up the lowest die in any stealth actions you take.
'Way To Fall' by Starsailor
'Desperado' by The Eagles
'Goodbye' by SR-71




Temujin is a borderline sociopath who is so adept at pretending to be other people that he can actually masquerade as a functional human being. What is left of his personality is submerged below a dispassionate devotion to efficiency and results. He socializes with mortals so he does not lose his ability to relate to other human beings, and also as an emergency measure.

He's taken a shine to a certain Iselsi Dovruna, and wishes the best for her. He's also entered a relationship with the flirty Rita Silverclaws, though he has to guard against being discovered by General Narikon.



Character Sheet

Essence: 3
Exaltation Die: d10


Compassion d8
Conviction d10 (Heart of Flint)
Temperance d6
Valor d6

[suppress for d4 + 1E + 1 Limit]


The Great Pretender (Night)
Misses Nothing
Thinks Fast, Acts Faster

[d8 or d4+1E]



Larceny d8
Awareness d10
Gunnery d6
Presence d10
Sail d6


Class d6



Presence d8
Awareness d6
Gunnery d6
Sail d8


Perfect Mirror Technique: As Husk-Sculpting Apparatus but on a personal level (spend 1E to alter your ship's form to perfectly disguise it as another equivalently sized ship or void-creature (the Primordial Host features both Hellstar fighters and Kimbery-spawned demonic monstrosities of equivalent power, like Star Krakens or Devil Wasps) until the end of the scene. This disguise can only be pierced by hostile action or by Essence Sensor Sight or its equivalent. )
Irresistible Salesman Spirit: This charm enhances an action to persuade someone of a specific course of action; add d6 to your dice pool and step up the effect die +1.
Husband Seducing Demon Dance: This charm enhances an attempt to cause a crowd to fall in love with you or something you represent. Spend 1E when creating a Emotional complication to make it an Area effect: add d6 to your pool and keep one effect die per additional target. Or spend 1E to cause a Followers asset to persist indefinitely beyond the current scene: followers Assets creating in this way step down by one at the end of any scene in which they are used.
Consumer Evaluating Glance: This charm enhances any die roll to discern intent in a specific social interaction. Step up the lowest die in the pool by 1; if your effect die is greater than the target's, you clearly perceive their intentions in this social interaction.
Knowing The Rhythm Of The Heart: This charm enhances an attempt to discern a motivation or distinction. Spend 1E to add a d8 Emotional or Mental complication to the target which lasts until the end of the scene. The target can remove this effect by choosing to silently and wordlessly reveal an active Motivation or Distinction to you.
Eye of the Unconquered Sun: This Charm allows Temujin to see through disguises, illusions, mental illusions, cover, concealment, everything that would hide or distort the truth, while flaring his anima to its maximum level while it's in effect.
The Sun's Light Reveals: An augmentation to Eye of the Unconquered Sun which allows his anima to dispel all effects that Eye of the Unconquered Sun would see through,

  • Panoply


Artifact d10 - The Silver Tongue
The exact details of how Temujin transmuted his tongue into flexible moonsilver remain unknown, but a popular story is that he was permitted a boon of Noi, and chose to claim it with a deep kiss. Evidently, his oral skills pleased the Minister, for he left Temujin with a trace of his own trickster's nature. It applies its rating in all social rolls involving speech. Its Limit is that it is Uncontrollable; Temujin has not fully mastered the Tongue's powers, and unwise use has backfired on him in the past.

By spending 1E, Temujin can use the Technique Once More From The Top: reroll a social attack with the Silver Tongue.

Artifact d10 - The Golden Gun
This shellcaster is simply made, constructed of orichalcum. Its lack of ornamentation belies its potent power. Faced with any adversity, it rises to the challenge; it strikes down every demon charging its user at once, or a series of careful ricochets slays a foe hiding behind a bulwark, or a lucky shot triggers a chain reaction that destroys a war machine from within. This shellcaster's artifact rating applies to any conceivable combat situation using the gun, the benefit being that it pretty much ignores all external conditions which might affect its shot, but its Limit is that it is Gear: it can run out of ammunition, and Temujin will have to spend time to reload it.

By spending 1E, Temujin can achieve one of the following effects:
- Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned: the next attack is an Area Attack, adding d6 and keeping an extra effect die per target in the area.
- Magic Bullet Mastery: reroll an attack with the Golden Gun.


Virtue Flaw

Heart of Flint
1XP: When rejecting or accepting an opportunity to indulge oneself when it would be detrimental to the mission/proper conduct.
3XP +1 Limit: When defying Compassion in order to further his goals.
10XP +1 Limit: When sacrificing someone/something personally important (that he cares about) for the sake of the mission.

Other Milestone

Sleeping with the Enemy
1 XP: When establishing friendly relations with an NPC who could be useful as a pawn/agent.
3 XP: When establishing friendly relations with an NPC from a hostile faction who could be useful as a pawn/ agent.
10 XP: When compromising one's long-term standing on the Line in order to succour/aid an NPC from a hostile faction (basically, if it could be seen as betrayal to the Line on order to help a hostile).


10xp - Letter Within A Letter Technique
10xp - Righteous Lion Defence
1xp remaining
