In 2021, one person in ten goblinized into an ork or a troll. These days, you get something like four or five hundred changes a year, worldwide, without a goblin parent, and numbers are dropping. The chances of any given sape-sape going gobbo is less than their chances of choking to death on their nutrisoy.
The chances that one of the people who does goblinize in the twenty-sixties happened to be born into a family of middle-management that spend their weekends in white hoods should be statistically nil, or was an absolute certainty. Depending on how sick the universe's sense of humor happens to be. I suppose it would be funnier if it was happening to somebody else.
Not that I'm sorry it happened. Vut, you couldn't pay me enough to go back. I've always had a talent for making things, and here, I get to use it in ways my parents never could have dreamed of. I'm part of a people that's making something completely new out of a hole under the ground and a book from a dragon's hoard. I make my new family from my old gang, my new home, my crew. Now I run the shadows. People like who I could've been sit in their cubicles dreaming about doing the things I do.
I'm not saying that my new life has been perfect, but shaa'z--I'm an ork, I can tough it out. But it's not just me anymore. When their second daughter goblinized, my parents had something better in mind than throwing her in a hole and ignoring her forever. She was scheduled for a flight to a clinic one some island, where they 'cure' goblinized and changeling kids. There isn't a cure, of course, but there is surgery and BTL brain-frying. You can get back the kid you want, more or less.
I saved her. So now I take care of her. She's not adjusting so well--it's tough, I know. I'm trying to reign things in, a little. Cut back on the beetles. Maybe if I'd saved some nuyen, instead of having it implanted...
Buunda. Can't do anything about it now. I look after her. God help anyone who tries to stop me.
Shali is about average for an ork in height and build, which leaves her taller than most human men and built like a weightlifter. Her face is pretty, for an ork; by human standards, she has a very pronounced lower jaw and (of course) the distinguishing tusks. Her facial features suggest a hint of Japanese ancestry mixed with European, especially in her eyes (on the rare occasions they can be seen from behind some kind of eyewear). The right side of her face is covered in tribal-style tattoos, especially around the datajack installed in her right temple. Her hair is shaved to a pink mohawk, most of a finger's length above her scalp, and both ears are studded with piercings along their length.
When she steps out, Shali tends toward a style influenced by the post-apocalyptic trends. Her signature item is her armor jacket, accessorized with shoulder pads, spikes, and studs, to look that much more imposing. She highlights with icons and day-glo orange, pink, and green--subtlety rarely seems to be her goal. She also frequently wears a respirator over her moth, both to filter out the background toxicity of the sprawl and to baffle facial recognition software. Nearly all of her clothes show signs of repair, done well enough that it's entirely possible that the work is for style rather than thrift.
In a more relaxed context, her choices in fashion tend toward band t-shirts and tank tops, with less clothing showing both the signs of augmentation and an increasing array of tattoos.
- BOD 7 (8)
- STR 4 (5)
- AGI 4 (5)
- REF 4 (7)
- CHA 3
- INT 4
- LOG 4
- WIL 3
- EDG 2
- Essence 1
- Firearms 4
-Pistols -Longarms -Automatics
- Athletics 4
-Climbing -Gymnastics -Running -Swimming
- Close Combat 3
-Blades -Clubs -Unarmed Combat
- Stealth 2
-Disguise -Infiltration -Palming -Shadowing
- Pilot Ground 5 + Bikes
- Armorer 5 + Firearms
- Automechanic 4 + Wheeled
- Industrial Mechanic 3
- Electronic Warfare 3
- Artisan 3
- Hardware 3
- Perception 3
- Thrown Weapons 2 + Lobbed
- Demolitions 2
- Cybertechnology 1
- First Aid 1
- Navigation 1 + Urban
- Etiquette 1 + Street
Knowledge/Language Skills
- Street - Gangs 4
- Street - Running Scene 2
- Street - Anti-Meta groups 2
- Street - Ares Macrotechnology 1
- Interest - Street Drugs 2 + BTLs
- Interest - Combat Biker 3
- Professional - Weapons Manufacture 3
- Academic - Ork Culture 4 + Goblin Rock
- English: N
- Or'zet 5
- Japanese 1
Pos/Neg Qualities
- Jury Rigger
- Day Job, 10 hours/week, ¥1,000/month [Custom Weapon & Armor Mods]
- Mild Addiction to BTLs
- Dependent lvl 2 [Little Sister, Michele Meyers]
- Enemy [Gordon Meyers, Connections 4/Incidence 1]
Mok'aore: ORC Activist (5/2) Larry: Skraacha Member (2/2) Undefined: Fixer (2/4)
- Control Rig (0.5 ESS)
- Datajack (0.1 ESS)
- Sim module (hot-modified) (0.2 ESS)
- Smartlink (0.1 ESS)
- Bone Lacing, Plastic (0.5 ESS)
- Wired Reflexes 1 (2 ESS)
- Reaction Enhancers 2 (0.6 ESS)
- Muscle Replacement 1 (1 ESS)
- Svalette Guardian (5P -1 SA/BF 2 12c) Heavy Pistol, Caseless
-Custom Look 2 -Personalized Grip -Skinlink -Tracker -Endoscope -Advanced Safety, Biometric, Electroshocker -Flashlight, Low-Light
-Sound Suppressor -Quick-Draw Holster -6 Spare Clips -197 Regular Ammo -50 Flachette Ammo -50 Gel Rounds -20 Stick n Shock
(BF requires Complex Action)
- Ingram Smartgun X (5P - BF/FA 3(4) 32c) SMG, Caseless
-Skinlink -Custom Grip
-Spare Clip -70 Regular Ammo
- 3 AK-97 (6P -1 SA/BF/FA - 38c) Assault Rifle, Cased
-3 Bipod
-3 Spare Clips -Regular Ammo 160 -3 Slings
- Street Sweeper (7p(f) +5 SS - 1b) Shotgun, Special
-10 black powder cubes
- Walther Palm Pistol (4P - SA/BF - 2b) Hold-Out, Caseless
-Internal Smartlink -Skinlink
-10 Regular Ammo -Arm Slide
- Eichiro Hamataro II (7P -1 SS - 1m) Heavy Pistol, Caseless
-10 EX Explosive Ammo
- Franchetti SPAS-22 (7P -1 SA/BF 1(2) 10m) Shotgun, Cased
-Customized Grip -Flashlight, Low Light
-24 Regular Ammo -20 Flachette Ammo -Sling -Silencer
- 6 High Explosive Grenades
- 6 Flashbang Grenades
- 6 CS Gas Grenades
- 3KG Foam Explosive 6
- 3 detonator caps
- Armor Jacket (B8/I6)
- 2 Helmets (B+1/I+2)
-Image Link
- Suzuki Mirage
-Engine Customization, Speed -Rigger Adaptation -Motorcycle Gyro Stabilization -Pimped Ride 1 -Skinlink -Nitrous Injection -3 RunFlat Tires(Arsenal 106) -SpoofChip(Arsenal 105)
- GMC Bulldog StepVan
-Rigger Adaptation -Chamelion Coating -Oil Slick Sprayer -Gridlink -Gridlink Override -Gun Ports, 4 -Smuggler Compartment -Skinlink -5 RunFlat Tires -SpoofChip -Morphing Liscense Plate
Other Equipment
- Chemsuit 4
- 2 Respirator 5
- Glasses 2
-Image Link -Flare Compensation
- Goggles 4
-Image Link -Flare Compensation -Vision Enhancement 3 -Vision Magnification
- Automotive Mechanic Shop
- Armorer Shop
- Cybertechnology Kit
- Hardware Kit
- Industrial Mechanic Kit
- Grapple Gun
- Rope 100M
- Miniwelder
- Chisel
- Tag Eraser
- White Noise Generator 5
- Erika Elite comlink running Iris Orb
-Skinlink -Common Programs ($600) -Command 4
- 2 Certified Credsticks
- 20 BTL recordings
- 2 Fake SIN R3 (self & sister)
-Concealed Cary license 3 -Svalette Guardian 3 -Driving License 2
A converted apartment in the Ork Underground, in Skraacha turf, largely refurbished and maintained by Shali's mechanical work.
- Comforts: Middle
- Entertainment: Middle
- Necessities: Middle
- Neighborhood: Low
- Security: High
3500 ¥