Jackson Platt
Jackson Platt
Homeworld of Spirelle
Str 4 (-1)
Dex 10 (+1)
End 7
Int 12 (+2)
Edu 11 (+1)
Soc 4 (-1)
Astrogation 3
Comms 0
Computer 0
Engineer (Maneouvre Drive) 0
Gun Combat (slug pistol) 1
Mechanic 2
Pilot (smallcraft) 1
Streetwise 0
Survival 0
Trade 0
Vacc suit 1
Zero G 1
Career Terms
Scout Courier - Jumped around a lot improving my abilities to astrogate and repair damage.
Scout Courier - Continued to jump around, was allowed to use the small craft for deliveries.
Scout Courier - His ship responded to a powerless ship caught in a large moon’s gravity. He tried to fox the Man. drive but used the wrong part and the ship was lost. Made an enemy, Captain Roth.
Scout Courier - Jackson meets a woman, an entertainer from one of the worlds he visited. His route takes him there often and they become a couple. He was finally promoted to full Scout.
Scout Courier - Near the end of his career, his ship encounters and alien vessal. He can’t interpret the data the sensors are showing him. That is the last thing he remembers before a Far Trader finds his scout ship drifting.
Resources and Equipment
Snub Pistol
Scout ship (second weapon traded for gun combat skill per rules)
Purchased Equipment (Starting with 50K):
Cloth armor (TL10), 500Cr, 1Kg, armor 5
Hand Computer (Tl12), 2000Cr, - Intelligent interface
Light Intensifying/IR Goggles 1250Cr
Breather Mask 150Cr
Environmental Suit 500Cr
Engineer, Mechanic, and Survey Toolkits 3000Cr
Autopistol, 3d6-3, magazine 15, 200Cr, ammo 10Cr
Jackson Platt grew up in a coastal city on the planet Spirelle. His father Marc had a good job as a dockworker but he got injured when Jackson was young and the family struggled after that. Jackson was a small, weak kid and he was a bit of an outcast. Most of the time he kept to himself and concentrated on his studies. His work ethic combined with his intelligence allowed him to go far in school.
When Jackson turned eighteen, his father tried to get him to enlist in the Imperial Navy where he had served a couple of terms. The Navy denied the boy entry which devastated him. Jackson really wanted to get off of the planet and see the galaxy. A month later he joined with the scouts who have a base on his planet. Exploration sounded great but he was secretly afraid of the danger so he went with the couriers. His spent the next couple of terms just jumping all over this part of the Imperium. Although the job could be monotonous and boring, Jackson found that he liked it.
During his third term the scout ship he was on responded to a distress call. A far trader had a damaged M-drive and was caught in the gravity of a moon. Noone on the scout ship had any experience with that kind of drive but Jackson felt that this could be his chance to be a hero. He volunteered to go on the trader and try to fix it. The captain of the boat, Cpt. Roth, was a real ball buster. He was constantly screaming orders at Jackson over the comms. This didn’t help since the scout was already in over his head. He had a brainstorm and tried to use a part from the J-drive to fix the M-drive. It didn’t work and the trader crashed onto the moon. Cpt. Roth held the scouts, and Jackson in particular, responsible for the loss of his ship. After a while, the storm created by this failure passed but Cpt. Roth never forgave him.
A couple of years later, on one of Jackson’s many courier runs, the nerdy scout met a woman. Not just any woman; Nora Summers, an up and coming entertainer. She was beautiful and becoming more famous by the day. They were an unlikely couple but they hit it off right away and quickly fell in love. They rarely saw each other, mostly because he was in the scouts, but they made it work for a long time. At first the tabloids on the net thought it was cute and showed that this rising star was down to earth.
It all began to change when Nora’s father died. Jackson was over a month away and couldn’t be there for her. What was worse is that a major awards show was occurring in a week and Nora had always taken her father on the red carpet (except for once that Jackson had gone, talk about uncomfortable). Now her father was gone and Jackson was light years away.
Shortly after he was promoted and entering his fifth term in the scouts, Nora broke it off with Jackson.
Very close to the end of his final term, the courier ship picked up an alien vessel on the sensors. Unfamiliar with the instruments, Jackson misinterpreted the information that he was receiving. That is the last thing he remembers until his ship was found drifting at the edge of a system.
Jackson has retired from the scouts but he still wants to travel the stars. It is what he knows best and he finds comfort in the “otherness” of jump space. He hopes that now that he is somewhat independent, his adventures will take on a different tone. What that tone will be, he hasn’t figured out yet. He figures he will just wait and see.