Marvo the Marvellous!
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Marvo Class: Magic User Level: 4 (Conjuror) Experience Points: 10005 (+10%)(next = 10,000) Total Hit Points: 16 Armor Class: 9 Movement: 12"
Attributes: Strength 9 Intelligence 18 Languages: Common, Barbarian (Human), Eastern (Human), Harpy Wisdom 12 Dexterity 9 Constitution 14 +1 hp per level Charisma 16 +1 reaction rolls, maximum hirelings 6, default morale of hirelings 9
On Person: 62 gp - wt 3 12 pp - wt 12 2200 sp - wt 2200 gem (500) - wt 10 gem (500) - wt 10
Stored at Guild: bracelet (700) 2 gems (100 ea.)
Attire Fabulous velvet robe with stars and sequins Spare large size fabulous cloak with stars on it
Weapons: Staff - wt 30 Dagger - wt 10
Riding horse called Rusty speed 24" Saddle & bridle Saddlkebags (hold 300 coins)
Backpack with: - wt 80 0 Torches Rations (3 weeks) Waterskin (filled) Iron spikes (12) 50' rope Small hammer Tinderbox Mirror
Spellbook: 1st level: Detect Magic Floating Disc Read Magic Protection from Evil Sleep Ventriloquism 2nd level: Web
1 pp = 5 gp
Assume you get 90% value on jewelry, gems, etc. Then you can just handle it without me.
Total Encumbrance:
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands