The End of the Hantei Mirumoto Rinoko
Personal Data
Age: 18
Child Number: 1
Clan: Dragon
Parent's Class: Vassal Samurai
Lord: Mirumoto Shosan
Current Class: Vassal Samurai
Current Home: Mirumoto Provinces
Glory: 1271
SIZ 13 DEX 14 STR 15 CON 14 APP 12
DMG 5d6 HEAL 3 MOVE 3 UNC 7 HP 27 KD 13/26 MW 14
- Loyalty (Clan) 16
- Loyalty (Emperor) 12
- Love (Family) 15
- Honor 15
- Hospitality 12
- Devotion (Tao) 12
- Chaste 10/10 Lustful
- Energetic 16/4 Lazy
- Forgiving 10/10 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 12/8 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 16/4 Proud
- Pious 13/7 Worldly
- Prudent 13/7 Reckless
- Temperate 13/7 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
Bushido: Yes (+3 Armor)
Religious: No (+2 Hit Points, +1 Armor)
Directed Trait: Spiritual +3
Family Characteristic: Gaming +10
Acting 0
Artisan 1
Awareness Use Eyes of the Dragon
Chirurgery 5
Calligraphy 2
Compose 0
Courtesy 5
Dancing 1
Falconry 2
Fashion 0
First Aid 5
Flirting 2
Folklore 5
Gaming 13
Heraldry 3
History 10
Hunting 3
Intrigue 1
Lore 2
Meditation 10
Orate 1
Play 2
Recognize Use Eyes of the Dragon
Religion 10
Romance 1
Sailing 0
Shadowlands Lore 0
Singing 1
Spellcraft 0
Stewardship 3
Swimming 1
Tea Ceremony 2
Combat Skills
Battle 15
Siege 3
Horsemanship 3
Sword 15
Polearm 8
Iajutsu 15
Jujutsu 13
Bow 3
Small 5
Chain 0
Heavy 0
Special Skills
Eyes of the Dragon 15
Way of the Dragon: When wielding a wakizashi in your offhand you have no penalties for dual-wielding and you increase the shield bonus of your swords by +1. When you are the target of a spell you may give the caster a +5 or -5 reflexive modifier to their casting skill.
Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Yari, Traveling Pack, 5 koku, War Pony, Sumpter
Daoist Tsuba: Make a Pious roll. If you succeed you gain +2 Sword skill for one scene or Battle Round if you have the Devotion (Tao) Passion. If you fail you immediately become Melancholy. You may not invoke Devotion (Tao) in the same scene.