The End of the Hantei Shosuro Asuka
Size: 12 Dex: 15 Str: 11 Con: 12 App: 16
DMG 4d6 HEAL 3 MOVE 3 UNC 6 HP 24 KD 12/24 MW 12
- Chaste 10/10 Lustful
- Energetic 13/7 Lazy
- Forgiving 7/13 Vengeful
- Generous 7/13 Selfish
- Honest 7/13 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 4/16 Cruel
- Modest 10/10 Proud
- Pious 7/13 Worldly
- Prudent 13/7 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 7/13 Suspicious
- Valorous 10/10 Cowardly
Directed Trait: Untrustworthy +3
- Loyalty (Clan) 19
- Loyalty (Emperor) 15
- Love (Family) 15
- Honor 12
- Hospitality 12
- Loyalty (Vassals) 10
- Concern (My Heimin) 7
Non-Combat Skills
Family Characteristic: +10 Acting
Acting 21
Artisan 2
Awareness 10
Chirurgery 0
Calligraphy 3
Compose 2
Courtesy 10
Dancing 5
Falconry 3
Fashion 10
First Aid 8
Flirting Use Dangerous Beauty
Folklore 2
Gaming 3
Heraldry 4
History 3
Hunting 0
Intrigue Use Dangerous Beauty
Lore 2
Meditation 3
Orate 5
Play 3
Recognize 6
Religion 2
Romance 4
Sailing 0
Shadowlands Lore 0
Singing 3
Spellcraft 0
Stewardship 3
Swimming 1
Tea Ceremony 7
Combat Skills
Battle 5
Siege 2
Horsemanship 3
Sword 15
Iajutsu 8
Jujutsu 5
Bow 2
Small 10
Chain 3
Special Skill
Dangerous Beauty 16
- Path of Shadows: You have mastered the art of invisibility. You do not risk Honor loss when using ninja weapons or low skills nor when attacking by surprise. You gain +2 to all stealth rolls (sneaking, shadowing, being ignored at court, stalking in the wilderness, etc).
Ashigaru or Light Armor, Sturdy Black Clothing, Daisho, Bow or Knife, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
Exceptional Wakizashi: Gain 25 Glory each year you own it.