Kel Jorwal
- Character Name: Duke Kelverton "Kel" Jorwal the XVIth of the House Lexiume
- Gender: Male
- Species: Human
- Template: Junior Ambassador of Bubondinox III to the Imperial Senate
- Character Points (Earned/Spent): xx / xx
"It seems Palpatine no longer wants us to debate how to govern the galaxy. That's fine, I have other skills as well."
Attributes & Skills
Dexterity 3D+1
- Blaster 4D+1
- Brawling Parry
- Dodge 3D+2
- Grenade
- Heavy Weapons
- Melee 3D+2
- Melee Parry 3D+2
- (Lightsaber)
Perception 4D
- Bargain 4D+1
- Command 4D+2
- Con 4D+1
- Gambling 4D+1
- Hide/Sneak
- Search
Knowledge 3D+1
- Alien Races 3D+2
- Bureaucracy 4D+1
- Cultures 3D+2
- Languages
- Planetary Systems 3D+2
- Streetwise
- Survival 3D+2
- Technology
Strength 2D+2
- Brawling 3D
- Climbing/Jumping
- Lifting
- Stamina 3D
- Swimming
Mechanical Aptitude 2D+2
- Astrogation
- Beast Riding
- Repulsorlift Operation 3D
- Starship Gunnery
- Starship Pilot
- Starship Shields
Technical Aptitude 2D
- Computer Programming/Repair
- Demolitions
- Droid Programming/Repair
- Medicine
- Repulsorlift Repair
- Security
- Starship Repair
Static Defenses
All static defenses are calculated as (Skill dice x3) + pips; i.e. 5D+1 would be [(5x3)+1] = 16.
- Brawling Parry: 10
- Dodge: 11
- Melee Parry: 11
The Force
- Force Points: 1
- Dark Side Points:
- Control:
- Sense:
- Alter:
Force Powers
Arms, Armor & Equipment
- Blaster Carbine: (SoroSuube QuickSnap 36T Am: 100 FR: 1 Rng: 3-25/50/250 Dam:5D Notes: +5 diff at lng rng)
- Hold-Out Blaster: (BlasTech HSB-200 Am: 12 Rng: 3-4/8/12 Dam: 3D+1)
- Vibro-Sword: (Dam: 4D+1, Melee: Moderate 11-15, Notes: Curved blade, like a calvary sabre)
- none
- Several changes of clothing in the latest fashions
- Comlink
- Datapad
Vehicles, Droids, and Other Stuff
- OP-5 Personal Landspeeder
Credits and Valuables
- Credits: 800
- Valuables:
An attractive man in his early 30's, Kel keeps himself fit and wears fashionable enough clothing. He thinks these things are expected of men of his station. Kel has recently decided to grow a beard, he thinks it makes him look more mature.
Kel is the 5th child in a very prestigious and overly large family from an utterly forgettable mudball of a planet. That is if wasn't filled with a very hard to find, and look at, arthropod whose dung has many widespread industrial and agricultural uses. His little known, backwater, technically-within-the-"Core" planet is valuable for it's bug crap mining. It's made all the original mining colonists fabulously wealthy. He's descended from them, of course. Kel grew up in Coruscant mainly, but visited several core systems. He had a reputation as being a bit of party animal growing up. But his young adulthood ended relatively scandal free.
It came as a shock to his family that he decided to return to go to the military academy, not so much for academic reasons, but it is a harsh environment to learn how to fight. For what it's worth, after infantry school, he went on to qualify for a long range ground speeder recon unit and served out his time with them, attaining the rank of Captain. After getting his advanced degree from Coruscant, Kel went back to his planet and actually helped administer it for a while. He did manage to end a labor dispute, without violence. He was a shoo-in when the Senate seat opened, that was gravy. He knows most of the population of his planet ignores galaxy politics, just as most of the galaxy ignores his planet. It actually gives him free reign. Still, he's pretty new at this Senator thing, but he's pretty sure Palpatine is doing this all wrong.
Kel is, for someone who grew up in wealth in priviledge in the late Republic, is surprisingly level headed and enjoys meeting others. He'll always try to help others, and is respectful. Kel is ambitious, but not ruthless. He'll try to find a win-win solution for everyone if he can. But Kel isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if need be, nor does he scare easily.
A commanding presence when he wants to be, he learned years ago you'll get more from people treating them with respect, for the most part. He oozes confidence and likes to think he has a quick wit. He's also a bit impetuous, and is trying to learn how to think things through before acting. Think Tom Hanks from Volunteers.