Generic Wuxia Action
Goal: to provide solutions for several rough spots in the WotG ruleset with an eye towards providing for a more generic wuxia feel to WotG.
Dodge: In interest of allowing for a way to make Dodge a viable method of defence, the dodge bonuses from Lightfoot now stack with any regular kungfu dodge adders. This makes dodging viable (if slightly expensive) defence method due to the adding of another static modifier. This also has the effect of weakening Ranged attacks slightly.
Ranged Attacks: The penalty for parrying ranged attacks is now -10, with full strike bonuses applying. This makes a ranged parry tech rather useful, or a dodge tech + lightfoot combo much better, but parrying is still viable instead of a really bad idea.
Count-up Techs: A problem with putting a mechanical limiter into tech usage in WotG is the probability of making it a bit too complicated. Tech usage is really a tactical thing that each person has to decide on their own.
Weapons + God Weapons: Non-quality weapons are restricted to a maximum strike of +10. Quality and God weapons may have a +15 strike. For the sake of focusing on the characters instead of their equipment only allow the equivalent of Class 3 Earthly weapons into the game.