The End of the Hantei Lion

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Important Officials

Akodo Katsuro: Brilliant commander, other Clans's fear to face him on the battlefield as well as the Go board.

Minor Officials

Matsu Hitomi: A typical Matsu, she is tall, powerful and has a wild temper.

Ikoma Nora: A short, bald man who loves to sing and tell stories.

Notable Samurai

Kitsu Mana: A master healer with a beautiful singing voice. It is said she can restore the dead to life with her tearful requiems. Religious Bonus.

Ikoma Genjou: A foul-mouthed, but apologetic, bushi. Indulgent.

Common Samurai

Akodo Masashi: He is a skilled shoji player.

Kitsu Hajiko: She is a shugenja of small ability but great insight.

Matsu Mori: A Deathseeker. Reckless, Valorous.

Matsu Kenji: Animal trainer, he keeps two war-lions.